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    Tuesday, March 4, 2025

10:00 AM


Submit written comment at
President EUNISSES HERNANDEZ, First District
  KATY YAROSLAVSKY, Fifth District
President Pro Tempore IMELDA PADILLA, Sixth District
BOB BLUMENFIELD, Third District MONICA RODRIGUEZ, Seventh District
  CURREN D. PRICE, JR., Ninth District 
Assistant President Pro Tempore HEATHER HUTT, Tenth District
NITHYA RAMAN, Fourth District TRACI PARK, Eleventh District
  JOHN S. LEE, Twelfth District
  HUGO SOTO-MARTÍNEZ, Thirteenth District
  YSABEL JURADO, Fourteenth District
  TIM McOSKER, Fifteenth District
The Council meetings will be broadcast live on Cable Television Channel 35, on the internet at, and on YouTube. The live audio of the hearing will be available via telephone at: (213) 621-CITY (Metro), (818) 904-9450 (Valley), (310) 471-CITY (Westside), and (310) 547-CITY (San Pedro Area). If the live video or audio is unavailable via one of these channels, members of the public should try another channel.
Written public comment may be submitted at
Requests for reasonable modification or accommodation from individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act can be made by contacting the City Clerk's Office at (213) 978-1133. For Telecommunication Relay Services for the hearing impaired, please see the information below.
Telecommunication Relay Services
Telephone communication is one of the most important forms of communication in society today. Due to advancements in technology, telephone devices have evolved with new services and capabilities. Individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing, and individuals with a speech disability are following these trends and are rapidly migrating to more advanced telecommunications methods, both for peer-to-peer and third-party telecommunications relay service (TRS) communications. Telecommunications Relay Service is a telephone service that allows persons with hearing or speech disabilities to place and receive telephone calls. TRS is available in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories for local and/or long distance calls. TRS providers - generally telephone companies - are compensated for the costs of providing TRS from either a state or a federal fund. There is no cost to the TRS user.
What forms of TRS are available? There are several forms of TRS, depending on the particular needs of the user and the equipment available: TRS includes: Text to Voice TIY-Based TRS; Speech-to-Speech Relay Service; Shared Non-English Language Relay Service; Captioned Telephone Relay Service; Internet Protocol Relay Service; and Video Relay Service. Please visit this site for detail descriptions,
Don't hang up! Some people hang up on TRS calls because they think the CA is a telemarketer. If you hear, "Hello. This is the relay service .. . " when you pick up the phone, please don't hang up! You are about to talk, through a TRS provider, to a person who is deaf, hard-of-hearing, or has a speech disability.
For more information about FCC programs to promote access to telecommunications services for people with disabilities, visit the FCC's Disability Rights Office website.
Spanish language interpretation is available at all Council and Committee meetings. Interpretation services in additional languages are available upon request, at no cost. Please submit your request to [email protected] as soon as possible to allow time for scheduling. You will receive a confirmation reply if an interpreter is available.
AGENDAS - The City Council meets Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 A.M. The agendas for City Council meetings contain a brief general description of those items to be considered at the meetings. Council Agendas are available in the Office of the City Clerk, Council and Public Services Division, Room 395, City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, and on the City's website at or
Ten (10) members of the Council constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Council may consider an item not listed on the agenda only if it is determined by a two-thirds (10) vote that the need for action arose after the posting of an Agenda. Some items on the agenda may be approved without any discussion, however, any item may be called "special" by a Councilmember. If an item is called "special" it will be "held" until the remainder of the items on the Council agenda have been acted on by the Council. An item may also be called "special" if a member of the public has requested to speak on the item and a public hearing was not previously held.
The City Clerk will announce the items to be considered by the Council, however items will be grouped. For example, all items for which required public hearings have not previously been held are listed in one section on the printed agenda. The Council President will ask if any Councilmember or member or the public wishes to speak on one or more of these items. If anyone wishes to speak on an item, it will be called "special". The remaining items in this section will be voted on by Council with one roll call vote.
PUBLIC INPUT AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS - An opportunity for the public to address the Council on agenda items for which public hearings have not been held will be provided at the time the item is considered or during the Multiple Agenda Item Comment period. Members of the public who wish to speak on items shall be allowed to speak for up to one minute per item up to a total of three minutes per meeting. The Council has determined that a cumulative total of 20 minutes is a reasonable minimum amount of time for the Multiple Agenda Item segment of each regular meeting.
The Council will also provide an opportunity for the public to speak on public interest items. Each speaker shall be limited to one minute of general public comment each regular meeting for a cumulative total of ten (10) minutes. The Council shall not discuss or take action relative to any general public comment.
If you wish to provide documents to the full Council for consideration on an item, please present the Sergeant-At-Arms with 35 copies. Otherwise, your materials will simply be added to the official record.
NOTICE TO PAID REPRESENTATIVES - If you are compensated to monitor, attend, or speak at this meeting, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. See Los Angeles Municipal Code 48.01 et seq. More information is available at For assistance, please contact the Ethics Commission at (213) 978-1960 or [email protected].
COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND TIME LIMITS - Councilmembers requesting to address the Council will be recognized by the Council President in the order requested. For any item, the Chairperson of the Committee, or the maker of the original motion, or the member calling a matter "special" shall have up to six (6) minutes to discuss the item. All other Councilmembers may speak up to three (3) minutes each on the matter. After all members desiring to speak on a question have had an opportunity to be heard once, the time for each Member desiring to speak again shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes.
A motion calling the "previous question" may be introduced by any member during a Council debate. If adopted, this motion will terminate debate on a matter and the Chair will instruct the Clerk to call the roll on the matter.
VOTING AND DISPOSITION OF ITEMS - Most items require a majority vote of the entire membership of the Council (8 members). Items which have not been discussed in a Council Committee and have been placed directly on the agenda will require 10 votes to consider. Once considered, these items will normally require eight (8) affirmative votes to be adopted. Ordinances require a unanimous vote (at least 12 members must be present) in order to be adopted on first consideration. If an ordinance does not receive the necessary unanimous vote, it is laid over one calendar week. The votes required for approval on second consideration vary and depend upon the type of ordinance, but a typical ordinance requires eight (8) affirmative votes upon second consideration.
When debate on an item is completed, the Chair will instruct the Clerk to "call the roll". Every member present must vote for or against each item; abstentions are not permitted. The Clerk will announce the votes on each item. Any member of Council may move to "reconsider" any vote on any item on the agenda, except to adjourn, suspend the Rules, or where an intervening event has deprived the Council of jurisdiction, providing that said member originally voted on the prevailing side of the item. The motion to "reconsider" shall only be in order once during the meeting, and once during the next regular meeting. The member requesting reconsideration shall identify for all members present the agenda number, Council file number and subject matter previously voted upon. A motion to reconsider is not debatable and shall require an affirmative vote of eight (8) members of the Council.
When the Council has failed by sufficient votes to approve or reject an item, and has not lost jurisdiction over the matter, or has not caused it to be continued beyond the next regular meeting, the item is continued to the next regular meeting for the purpose of allowing the Council to again vote on the matter.
The City Council rules provide that all items adopted by the Council will not be presented to the Mayor, or other designated officer by the City Clerk until the adjournment of the regular Council meeting following the date of the Council action. A motion to send an item "forthwith" if adopted by ten (10) votes, suspends these rules and requires the City Clerk to forward the matter to the Mayor, or other officer, without delay.
RULE 16 MOTIONS - Council Rule No. 16, in part, allows a member to send an item directly to the Council without it having to go to a Council Committee first, by giving the City Clerk a motion (seconded by an additional member) during a Council session to be placed on the next regular available Council agenda.

Los Angeles City Council Agenda

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Roll Call

Approval of the Minutes

Commendatory Resolutions, Introductions and Presentations

Multiple Agenda Item Comment

Public Testimony of Non-agenda Items Within Jurisdiction of Council

Items Noticed for Public Hearing

CD 3
COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Mulholland Drive and San Feliciano Drive Street Lighting District.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated January 29, 2025.
  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of May 6, 2025 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Mulholland Drive and San Feliciano Drive Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $6,461.38 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2024-25 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: April 30, 2025)

CD 4
COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Cartwright Avenue and Landale Street Lighting District.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated December 4, 2024.
  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of May 6, 2025 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Cartwright Avenue and Landale Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $479.56 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2024-25 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: April 30, 2025)

CD 4
COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Encino Avenue and Ventura Boulevard No. 1 Street Lighting District.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated January 2, 2025.
  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of May 6, 2025 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Encino Avenue and Ventura Boulevard No. 1 Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $822.41 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2024-25 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: April 30, 2025)

CD 4
COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Van Nuys Boulevard and Otsego Street No.1 Street Lighting District.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated January 2, 2025.
  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of May 6, 2025 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Van Nuys Boulevard and Otsego Street No.1 Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $2,412.41 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2024-25 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: April 30, 2025)

CD 5
COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Hutton Drive and Trudy Drive Street Lighting District.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated January 9, 2025.
  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of May 6, 2025 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Hutton Drive and Trudy Drive Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $395.94 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2024-25 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: April 30, 2025)

CD 5
COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Wilshire Boulevard and Mullen Avenue Street Lighting District.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated November 21, 2024.
  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of May 6, 2025 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Wilshire Boulevard and Mullen Avenue Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $3,749.94 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2024-25 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: April 30, 2025)

CD 14
COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Topaz Street and Huntington Drive Street Lighting District.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated January 22, 2025.
  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of May 6, 2025 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Topaz Street and Huntington Drive Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $661.01 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2024-25 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: April 30, 2025)

CD 14
COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF STREET LIGHTING and ORDINANCE OF INTENTION FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to establishing a hearing date for the maintenance of the Industrial Street and Alameda Street Lighting District.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. ADOPT the report of the Director, Bureau of Street Lighting, dated January 29, 2025.
  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE OF INTENTION setting the date of May 6, 2025 as the hearing date for the maintenance of the Industrial Street and Alameda Street Lighting District, in accordance with Proposition 218, Articles XIIIC and XIIID of the California Constitution and Government Code Section 53753.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Bureau of Street Lighting reports that if adopted, $2,055.93 will be collected annually starting with tax year 2024-25 that will go into a dedicated street lighting maintenance assessment account for the use in the operation and maintenance of this street lighting system.


(Board of Public Works Hearing Date: April 30, 2025)

CD 12
HEARING COMMENTS relative to an Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption at Heavenly Liquor 4U INC, located at 8650 Reseda Boulevard, Unit 1, Northridge, California 91324.

Recommendations for Council action:

  1. DETERMINE that the Public Convenience or Necessity will not be served by the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption at Heavenly Liquor 4U INC, located at 8650 Reseda Boulevard, Unit 1, Northridge, California 91324, inasmuch as the site is located in a high crime/concentration reporting district.
  2. DENY the Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption at at Heavenly Liquor 4U INC, located at 8650 Reseda Boulevard, Unit 1, Northridge, California 91324, based upon the above finding and the negative influence associated with the sale of alcohol in the concerned community.
  3. INSTRUCT the City Clerk to transmit this determination to the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control as required findings under Business and Professions Code Section 23958.4.

    Applicant: Adis Hovhannisyan - Heavenly Liquor 4U INC

    Representative: Raul Cueva, JR - Liquor License Agents





CD 13
HEARING COMMENTS relative to an Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption at Trufive Holdings, Inc., located at 3141 Glendale Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90039.

Recommendations for Council action:
  1. DETERMINE that the issuance of a liquor license at Trufive Holdings, Inc., located at 3141 Glendale Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90039, will serve the Public Convenience or Necessity and will not tend to create a law enforcement problem.
  2. GRANT the Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption at Trufive Holdings, Inc., located at 3141 Glendale Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90039.
  3. INSTRUCT the City Clerk to transmit this determination to the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control as required findings under Business and Professions Code Section 23958.4.
Applicant: David Sarraf - McCall's Meat and Fish Co.

Representative: Susan Stenberg + Howard Robinson and Associates





CD 8
HEARING COMMENTS relative to an Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption at Vallarta Supermarket, located at 3300 West Slauson Avenue .

Applicant: Zixta Enterprises, Inc

Representative: Brett Engstrom - Engstrom Planning






(Motion required for Findings and Council recommendations for the above application)

CD 8
CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF HEARING PROTEST, APPEALS OR OBJECTIONS to the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety report and confirmation of lien for nuisance abatement costs and/or non-compliance of code violations/Annual Inspection costs, pursuant to the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) and/or Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC), for the property located at 433 West 103rd Street.

Recommendation for Council action:

HEAR PROTEST, APPEALS OR OBJECTIONS relative to a proposed lien for nuisance abatement costs and/or non-compliance of code violations/Annual Inspection costs, pursuant to the LAMC and/or LAAC, and CONFIRM said lien for the property located at 433 West 103rd Street. (Lien: $1,276.56)


(Continued from Council meeting of February 4, 2025)


Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held

CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE REPORT and AMENDING MOTION 13A (HUTT – HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to drafting ordinances that prohibit certain types of evictions as outlined in the Motion for tenants who attest to having experienced economic hardship related to the January 2025 fires; suspends Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 151.06(G); and related matters.

Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Hernandez – Soto-Martinez – Nazarian):

  1. NOTE and FILE Amending Motion (Hernandez – Soto-Martinez) dated January 14, 2025, and the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) report dated January 17, 2025, attached to Council file No. 25-0006-S16, inasmuch as no further Council action is required at this time.
  2. REQUEST the City Attorney, in coordination with the LAHD, to prepare and present an ordinance, with an urgency clause, that prohibits the following types of evictions to the extent allowed by State and Federal laws, from February 1, 2025 through January 31, 2026, if a declaration with proof of loss of income due to the 2025 fires is provided:
    1. For tenants who attest to having experienced economic hardship related to the January 2025 fires:
      1. Evictions for non-payment of rent
      2. No-fault evictions other than a government order to vacate
    2. For tenants who have accommodated in their rental units additional displaced or economically impacted occupants that attest to having experienced economic hardship related to the January 2025 fires:
      1. No-fault evictions other than a government order to vacate
  3. REQUEST the City Attorney, in conjunction with the LAHD, to prepare and present an ordinance, with an urgency clause, that suspends LAMC Section 151.06(G), which allows rent increases for additional occupants, through January 31, 2026.
  4. REQUEST the City Attorney, with support from the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), and in coordination with the Mayor's Office, to produce monthly reports on the City's response to complaints of price gouging in the rental housing market for the duration of the local emergency order declared in response to the January 2025 fires and for six months after, and that such monthly reports include but are not limited to:
    1. A count of the complaints received by the City.
    2. The average response times between receipt of a complaint and the investigations and any enforcement by the City.
    3. A categorization and count of the City's responses to complaints, including enforcement actions.
    4. A geographic breakdown of the complaints and of City enforcement actions.
    5. Any recommendations for improving enforcement and increasing deterrence of illegal rent gouging.
  5. REQUEST the City Attorney, with the assistance of the LAHD, to include in the ordinance a comprehensive list of documents that are eligible to be used for the declaration of proof of loss of income due to the 2025 fires.
  6. INSTRUCT the LAHD, with the assistance of the Office of Finance, to report to Council within 30 days with a formula to define mom and pop landlords based on gross receipts taxes paid to the City. (Recommendation approved by Council on February 14, 2025)
  7. INSTRUCT the LAHD to develop a rental assistance program for mom and pop landlords for non-payment of rent based on the definition described in the above recomemdation and as evidenced by the attestation process. (Recommendation approved by Council on February 14, 2025)
  8. REQUEST the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to report to Council with recommendations to enable access to Problem Solving Funds (such as security deposit) for people experiencing and/or imminent risk of homelessness due to the 2025 fire storms.
  9. REQUEST the City Attorney and the LAHD to report to Council on whether the following Motion, introduced, but not approved during the Housing and Homelessness Committee meeting on February 5, 2025, or other means, would help address issues related to evictions, in comparison to the underlying eviction affirmative defense/moratorium, to compare and contrast impacts:

    “Request the City Attorney, to prepare and present an ordinance, with an urgency clause, in furtherance of the public interest to avoid forfeiture, limit displacement and homelessness, that prohibits the following evictions, to the extent allowed by State and Federal laws, if a declaration with proof of loss of income due to the 2025 fires is provided, from February 1, 2025 to January 31, 2026 where tenants owe less than three months’ rent. This protection returns to the standard one month on January 1, 2026.”
  10. REQUIRE the LAHD to cap declaration processing for tenants at 10,000 individuals with the authorization to return to Council for approval to increase the number, and INSTRUCT the LAHD to report to Council on March 1, 2025, and on a monthly basis, with an estimate of people who applied and qualified. [Recommendation No. 1 from Amending Motion 13A (Hutt – Harris-Dawson)]
  11. REQUEST the City Attorney’s Office to make clear in the ordinance that these protections only apply to those individuals who meet the requirements under the declaration of  proof of loss and were in their units prior to January 1, 2025. [Recommendation No. 2 from Amending Motion 13A (Hutt – Harris-Dawson)]
  12. REQUEST the City Attorney’s Office to provide in the ordinance that any information submitted for the City for the purposes of declaration, or documents signed as part of this process, included an under penalty of perjury clause. [Recommendation No. 3 from Amending Motion 13A (Hutt – Harris-Dawson)]


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted


(Continued from Council meeting of February 18, 2025)

GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY, INNOVATION, AND AUDITS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to auditing key functions of City departments and offices to identify duplication of services in non-Charter mandated departments.

Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Rodriguez – Harris-Dawson):

REQUEST the Controller, with the assistance of the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) and all departments, to audit City departments’ and offices’ key functions and identify any duplication or overlap of services that may exist in non-charter mandated departments, and report the findings to the Government, Efficiency, Innovation, and Audits Committee. This audit should differentiate services that are special funded and services that are General Fund funded.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.

GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY, INNOVATION, AND AUDITS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the existing process for repairing damaged street and pedestrian lighting infrastructure, current timeline, bottlenecks, and a comparative analysis of the street lighting repair process in other major cities.

Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Rodriguez – Padilla):
  1. DIRECT the Bureau of Street Lighting (BSL) to report on the existing process for repairing damaged street and pedestrian lighting infrastructure and the current timeline for repairs, as well as on potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the existing process.
  2. DIRECT the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), with the assistance of the BSL, to report with a comparative analysis of the street repair process in other major cities, and how best practices in other cities can be adopted for the process in the City of Los Angeles.
  3. REQUEST the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power to report on recommendations to help reduce the backlog of damaged pedestrian and street lights in need of repair, including any additional resources needed.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.

CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF RULES, ELECTIONS AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to supporting the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) proposed Rules 1111 and 1121 to mandate zero-emission standards for residential and commercial furnaces and water heaters.

Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Resolution (Yaroslavsky - Harris-Dawson), SUBJECT TO THE CONCURRENCE OF THE MAYOR:


  1. Support the SCAQMD’s proposed Rules 1111 and 1121 to mandate zero-emission standards for residential and commercial furnaces and water heaters.
  2. Actively collaborate with the SCAQMD to promote awareness, provide incentives, and assist residents in transitioning to zero-emission technologies.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted


(Continued from Council meeting of February 25, 2025)


Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration)

RESOLUTION (HARRIS-DAWSON – RAMAN) relative to the Declaration of Local Emergency by the Mayor, dated July 7, 2023, concerning local housing and homelessness in the City of Los Angeles (City), pursuant to the provisions of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC) Section 8.33, et seq.

Recommendation for Council action:

ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION, dated December 4, 2024, to:

  1. Resolve that a local emergency regarding homelessness existed in the City within the meaning of LAAC Section 8.33, et seq., at the time of the Mayor’s July 7, 2023, Declaration of Local Emergency, and the City Council reaffirms that the local emergency did exist in the City at that time and because the local emergency continues to exist within the City, within the meaning of LAAC Section 8.33, et seq., there is a need to renew the declaration of local emergency, which the City Council hereby ratifies and continues through 90 days from the adoption of this Resolution.
  2. Resolve that the Mayor shall continue to be empowered to respond to the local emergency as granted in LAAC Section 8.33.
  3. Instruct the City Clerk to forward copies of this Resolution to the Governor of the State of California, the Director of the Office of Emergency Services of the State of California, the Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management, and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

CDs 8, 9, 10
MOTION (PRICE - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to amending the prior Council action of February 19, 2025, Council file No. 23-1238-S2, regarding the initiation of the “South LA Historic Neighborhood Markers” project, and related matters, including authorization of funds.

Recommendation for Council action:

AMEND the prior Council action of February 19, 2025, relative to initiating the “South LA Historic Neighborhood Markers” project, and related matters, including authorization of funds (Council file No. 23-1238-S2), to adopt the revised Recommendation No. 1 below:
  1. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering (BOE), with the assistance of the Bureau of Street Services and General Services Departmentivision, to initiate the “South LA Historic Neighborhood Markers” project for monument structures and/or gateways at the respective intersections of East Martin Luther King Boulevard Adams Boulevard and South Central Avenue; East Slauson Avenue and South Central Avenue; South Crenshaw Boulevard and West Adams Boulevard; and, South Crenshaw Boulevard and West Slauson Avenue.


CD 4
MOTION (RAMAN - HERNANDEZ) relative to funding for ongoing community beautification efforts in Council District Four (CD 4).

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. TRANSFER and APPROPRIATE $333,000 from the AB1290 Fund No. 53P, Account No. 281204 (CD 4 Redevelopment Projects - Services), to the Board of Public Works Fund No. 100/74, Account No. 3040 (Contractual Services), for ongoing community beautification efforts in CD 4, to be coordinated by the Los Angeles Conservation Corps for the period beginning February 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2025.
  2. INSTRUCT and AUTHORIZE the Board of Public Works, Office of Community Beautification, to prepare, process and execute the necessary documents with and/or payments to the Los Angeles Conservation Corps, or any other agency or organization, as appropriate, utilizing the above amount, for the above purpose, subject to the approval of the City Attorney to form.
  3. AUTHORIZE the Department of Public Works to make any corrections, clarifications or revisions to the above fund transfer instructions, including any new instructions, in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion, and including any corrections and changes to fund or account numbers; said corrections / clarifications / changes may be made orally, electronically or by any other means.

CD 3
MOTION (BLUMENFIELD - HERNANDEZ) relative to rescinding the prior Council action of December 13, 2024, Council file No. (CF) 24-1481, regarding funding from the General Purpose Fund for a new Self Help and Recovery Exchange (SHARE!) shared Housing Program in Council District Three (CD 3).

Recommendation for Council action:

RESCIND the prior Council action of December 13, 2024 relative to funding from the General Purpose Fund for a new Self Help and Recovery Exchange (SHARE!) shared Housing Program in CD 3 (CF 24-1481), as these funds are no longer needed for the purposes stated in that Council action, and that the funds be reverted to their original source.

CD 1
MOTION (HERNANDEZ - SOTO-MARTINEZ) relative to a need for a Personal Services Contract with Indigov Corporation, for the provision of expert policy services to the First Council District, for the term from March 1, 2025 to February 28, 2026, with a not-to-exceed amount of $40,930.

Recommendations for Council action:

  1. APPROVE the Personal Services Contract, attached to the Motion, with Indigov Corporation for providing services to the First Council District as set forth therein.
  2. AUTHORIZE the Councilmember, First District, to execute this contract on behalf of the City.
  3. INSTRUCT the City Clerk to encumber the necessary funds against the Contractual Services Account of the Council Fund for Fiscal Year 2024-­2025, and to reflect it as a charge against the budget of the involved Council Office. 

MOTION (YAROSLAVSKY - RODRIGUEZ) relative to amending the prior Council action of February 14, 2025, Council file No. (CF) 24-0446, regarding the results of the 2024 Request for Proposals for the Survivor Services System, fund transfers, contracting authority, and related matters.

Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

AMEND the Council action of February 14, 2025 relative to approving the results of the 2024 Request for Proposals for the Survivor Services System, fund transfers, contracting authority, and related matters (CF 24-0446) to adopt the revised Recommendation No. 2.a. as follows:

2. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Community Investment for Families Department (CIFD), to:

a. Negotiate and execute contracts with the service providers identified in the updated Attachment A, as listed in the table contained in Motion (Yaroslavsky - Rodriguez), of the CIFD Report dated November 1, 2024, attached to the Council file, to reinstate services that were either discontinued or reduced due to the Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) funding reductions for the term of January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025, including an option to renew and/or extend the contract for four additional 12 month periods, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney as to form, as well as to compliance with City contracting requirements and federal and state grant guidelines, and contingent on available funding. The revised amounts reflect the actual reduction to the service providers' State VOCA grant, and do not exceed the total amount approved by Council.

CD 14
MOTION (JURADO - HUTT) relative to reactivating and restoring Council file No. (CF) 19-0825-S1, to its most recent legislative status, regarding the matter of a City Attorney report and draft Ordinance amending the Olympia Sign District to make a technical correction to the original Sign District Map and Ordinance Map.

Recommendation for Council action:

REACTIVATE and RESTORE to its most recent legislative status as of the date of the File's expiration, the matter of a City Attorney report relative to a draft Ordinance amending the Olympia Sign District to make a technical correction to the original Sign District Map and Ordinance Map, to no longer include a small parcel of land zoned Multiple Dwelling Zone, R4, which was erroneously included, as recorded under CF 19-0825-S1, which expired per Council policy (CF 05-0553).

CD 14
MOTION (JURADO - HUTT) relative to amending the prior Council action of January 21, 2025, Council file No. (CF) 23-1398, regarding the vacation of a portion of Roy Street and Aldama Street (VAC-E1401440).

Recommendation for Council action:

AMEND the Council action of January 21, 2025 relative to the vacation of a portion of Roy Street and Aldama Street (VAC-E1401440) (CF 23-1398) to delete Conditions 5f, 7, and 8 of the Bureau of Engineering report dated September 18, 2024.

MOTION (RODRIGUEZ - HERNANDEZ) relative to funding for services in connection with Council District Seven’s (CD 7) special recognition of the 35th Anniversary of LA BEST on April 9, 2025, at City Hall, including the illumination of City Hall.

Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

TRANSFER and APPROPRIATE $1,462 from City Council's portion of the Heritage Month Celebrations & Special Events line item in the General City Purposes Fund No. 100/56 to the General Services Fund No. 100/40, Account No. 11000 (Hiring Hall), for services in connection with CD 7's special recognition of the 35th Anniversary of LA BEST on April 9, 2025, at City Hall, including the illumination of City Hall.

CD 14
COMMUNICATION FROM THE BUREAU OF ENGINEERING (BOE) and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to the sale of certain easements, located at Chelsea Street, West of Tremont Street, Los Angeles California 90033, to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, a public agency (LACMTA), in order to facilitate the development of the Marengo Siding Extension Improvements Project by LACMTA and the Southern California Regional Rail Authority, a joint powers authority (SCRRA), as part of SCRRA’s Southern California Optimized Rail Enhancements program.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE (Sale Ordinance), dated February 13, 2025, authorizing and providing for the sale of certain easements to the LACMTA, a public agency, in order to facilitate the development of the Marengo Siding Extension Improvements Project by LACMTA and the SCRRA, a joint powers authority, as part of SCRRA’s Southern California Optimized Rail Enhancements program.
  2. AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) to execute the Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions, included as Exhibit F of the BOE report dated February 4, 2025, attached to the Council file, and related transactional documents based on the terms specified in the Sale Ordinance authorizing the sale of the property interests owned by the City located at Chelsea Street, West of Tremont Street, Los Angeles, California 90033 (Property), which is comprised of a 1,110 square-foot Permanent Easement across a portion of the Property (Parcel A), and a 2,590 square foot, 36 month Temporary Construction Easement (Parcel B), which are also described in Exhibits B and C and depicted in Exhibits D and E respectively (together as Properties), stated in said BOE report, to the LACMTA, for the negotiated sale price of $149,000.
  3. INSTRUCT the Board of Public Works, Office of Accounting to complete the transactions outlined in the Sale Ordinance, process the necessary documentation to execute the sale and deposit the sale proceeds, less yet to be determined closing costs, into the General Fund No. 100/50, Revenue Source Code No. 5188.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The BOE states that the City Administrative Officer, per the Motion (Krekorian – Blumenfield) dated October 28, 2022, attached to the Council file, has identified the fund account where proceeds will be deposited as the General Fund No. 100/50, Revenue Source Code No. 5188.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted


(Public Works Committee waived consideration of the above matter)

CD 13
COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to the installation of the name CHRISTINA RICCI on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the installation of the name CHRISTINA RICCI at 6258 Hollywood Boulevard.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that there is no General Fund impact. All costs are paid by the permittee.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted

COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR relative to the appointment of Helenann Hirsch to the Commission on Civil Rights.

Recommendation for Council action:

RESOLVE that the Mayor’s appointment of Helenann Hirsch to the Commission on Civil Rights for the term ending June 30, 2029, to fill the vacancy created by the departure of Mary Lee, is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Helenann Hirsch currently resides in Council District 11. (Current composition: M = 1; F = 5; Vacant = 1)

Financial Disclosure Statement: Filed

Background Check: Completed


Community Impact Statement: None submitted






(Civil Rights, Equity, Immigration, Aging, and Disability Committee waived consideration of the above matter)

CDs 1, 9, 14
CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION (HERNANDEZ – JURADO) relative to amending the Alcohol Permission Area Map to remove the historic core of the Chinatown and the Victor Heights neighborhoods.

Recommendation for Council action:

RESOLVE to amend the Alcohol Permission Area Map to remove the historic core of the Chinatown neighborhood and the Victor Heights neighborhoods which were included in error as part of the Downtown Community Plan Update (Council file No. 22-0617), as permitted by Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 1.5.9.C (Alcohol Permission Area Map, Amendments), which is attached to the Resolution and incorporated herein by reference.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted


(Planning and Land Use Management Committee waived consideration of the above matter)






(Within 10 Council meeting days of receipt of the appeal, the Council may reinstate the Fire Chief by a two-thirds vote of the Council) - 10 Votes Required


Items Called Special

Motions for Posting and Referral

Council Members' Requests for Excuse from Attendance at Council Meetings

Adjourning Motions

Council Adjournment

EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES - If you challenge a City action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at or prior to, the public hearing. Any written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk before the City Council's final action on a matter will become a part of the administrative record.

CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 1094.5 - If a Council action is subject to judicial challenge pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5, be advised that the time to file a lawsuit challenging a final action by the City Council is limited by Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 which provides that the lawsuit must be filed no later than the 90th day following the date on which the Council's action becomes final.

Materials relative to items on this agenda can be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk's Council File Management System, at by entering the Council File number listed immediately following the item number (e.g., 00-0000).