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    Tuesday, June 29, 2021

10:00 AM




Submit written comment at
President GILBERT A. CEDILLO, First District
NURY MARTINEZ, Sixth District PAUL KREKORIAN, Second District
  BOB BLUMENFIELD, Third District
  NITHYA RAMAN, Fourth District
President Pro Tempore PAUL KORETZ, Fifth District
JOE BUSCAINO, Fifteenth District MONICA RODRIGUEZ, Seventh District
Assistant President Pro Tempore CURREN D. PRICE, JR., Ninth District
  MIKE BONIN, Eleventh District
  JOHN S. LEE, Twelfth District
  MITCH O'FARRELL, Thirteenth District
  KEVIN DE LEÓN, Fourteenth District

In conformity with the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 (March 17, 2020) and due to concerns over COVID-19, the City Council meeting will be conducted entirely telephonically.


Members of the public who wish to offer public comment to the Council should call 1 669 254 5252 and use Meeting ID No. 160 535 8466 and then press #. Press # again when prompted for participant ID. Once admitted into the meeting, press *9 to request to speak.

Requests for reasonable modification or accommodation from individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act can be made by contacting the City Clerk's Office at (213) 978-1133. For Telecommunication Relay Services for the hearing impaired, please see the information located on page 2 of this agenda.

Telecommunication Relay Services

Telephone communication is one of the most important forms of communication in society today. Due to advancements in technology, telephone devices have evolved with new services and capabilities. Individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing, and individuals with a speech disability are following these trends and are rapidly migrating to more advanced telecommunications methods, both for peer-to-peer and third-party telecommunications relay service (TRS) communications.

Telecommunications Relay Service is a telephone service that allows persons with hearing or speech disabilities to place and receive telephone calls. TRS is available in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories for local and/or long distance calls. TRS providers - generally telephone companies - are compensated for the costs of providing TRS from either a state or a federal fund. There is no cost to the TRS user.

What forms of TRS are available?There are several forms of TRS, depending on the particular needs of the user and the equipment available: TRS includes: Text to Voice TIY-Based TRS; Speech-to-Speech Relay Service; Shared Non-English Language Relay Service; Captioned Telephone Relay Service; Internet Protocol Relay Service; and Video Relay Service. Please visit this site for detail descriptions,

Don't hang up! Some people hang up on TRS calls because they think the CA is a telemarketer. If you hear, "Hello. This is the relay service .. . " when you pick up the phone, please don't hang up! You are about to talk, through a TRS provider, to a person who is deaf, hard-of-hearing, or has a speech disability.

For more information about FCC programs to promote access to telecommunications services for people with disabilities, visit the FCC's Disability Rights Office website.




AGENDAS - The City Council meets Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 A.M. The agendas for City Council meetings contain a brief general description of those items to be considered at the meetings. Council Agendas are available in the Office of the City Clerk, Council and Public Services Division, Room 395, City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, and on the City's website at; or

Ten (10) members of the Council constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Council may consider an item not listed on the agenda only if it is determined by a two-thirds (10) vote that the need for action arose after the posting of an Agenda. Some items on the agenda may be approved without any discussion, however, any item may be called "special" by a Councilmember. If an item is called "special" it will be "held" until the remainder of the items on the Council agenda have been acted on by the Council. An item may also be called "special" if a member of the public has requested to speak on the item and a public hearing was not previously held.

The City Clerk will announce the items to be considered by the Council, however items will be grouped. For example, all items for which required public hearings have not previously been held are listed in one section on the printed agenda. The Council President will ask if any Councilmember or member or the public wishes to speak on one or more of these items. If anyone wishes to speak on an item, it will be called "special". The remaining items in this section will be voted on by Council with one roll call vote.

PUBLIC INPUT AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS - An opportunity for the public to address the Council on agenda items for which public hearings have not been held will be provided at the time the item is considered or during the Multiple Agenda Item Comment period. Members of the public who wish to speak on items shall be allowed to speak for up to one minute per item up to a total of three minutes per meeting. The Council has determined that a cumulative total of 20 minutes is a reasonable minimum amount of time for the Multiple Agenda Item segment of each regular meeting.

The Council will also provide an opportunity for the public to speak on public interest items. Each speaker shall be limited to one minute of general public comment each regular meeting for a cumulative total of ten (10) minutes. The Council shall not discuss or take action relative to any general public comment.

If you wish to provide documents to the full Council for consideration on an item, please present the Sergeant-At-Arms with 35 copies. Otherwise, your materials will simply be added to the official record.

COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND TIME LIMITS - Councilmembers requesting to address the Council will be recognized by the Council President in the order requested. For any item, the Chairperson of the Committee, or the maker of the original motion, or the member calling a matter "special" shall have up to six (6) minutes to discuss the item. All other Councilmembers may speak up to three (3) minutes each on the matter. After all members desiring to speak on a question have had an opportunity to be heard once, the time for each Member desiring to speak again shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes.

A motion calling the "previous question" may be introduced by any member during a Council debate. If adopted, this motion will terminate debate on a matter and the Chair will instruct the Clerk to call the roll on the matter.

VOTING AND DISPOSITION OF ITEMS - Most items require a majority vote of the entire membership of the Council (8 members). Items which have not been discussed in a Council Committee and have been placed directly on the agenda will require 10 votes to consider. Once considered, these items will normally require eight (8) affirmative votes to be adopted. Ordinances require a unanimous vote (at least 12 members must be present) in order to be adopted on first consideration. If an ordinance does not receive the necessary unanimous vote, it is laid over one calendar week. The votes required for approval on second consideration vary and depend upon the type of ordinance, but a typical ordinance requires eight (8) affirmative votes upon second consideration.

NOTICE TO PAID REPRESENTATIVES - If you are compensated to monitor, attend, or speak at this meeting, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. See Los Angeles Municipal Code 48.01 et seq. More information is available at For assistance, please contact the Ethics Commission at (213) 978-1960 or [email protected].

COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND TIME LIMITS - Councilmembers requesting to address the Council will be recognized by the Council President in the order requested. For any item, the Chairperson of the Committee, or the maker of the original motion, or the member calling a matter "special" shall have up to six (6) minutes to discuss the item. All other Councilmembers may speak up to three (3) minutes each on the matter. After all members desiring to speak on a question have had an opportunity to be heard once, the time for each Member desiring to speak again shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes.

A motion calling the "previous question" may be introduced by any member during a Council debate. If adopted, this motion will terminate debate on a matter and the Chair will instruct the Clerk to call the roll on the matter.

VOTING AND DISPOSITION OF ITEMS - Most items require a majority vote of the entire membership of the Council (8 members). Items which have not been discussed in a Council Committee and have been placed directly on the agenda will require 10 votes to consider. Once considered, these items will normally require eight (8) affirmative votes to be adopted. Ordinances require a unanimous vote (at least 12 members must be present) in order to be adopted on first consideration. If an ordinance does not receive the necessary unanimous vote, it is laid over one calendar week. The votes required for approval on second consideration vary and depend upon the type of ordinance, but a typical ordinance requires eight (8) affirmative votes upon second consideration.

When debate on an item is completed, the Chair will instruct the Clerk to "call the roll". Every member present must vote for or against each item; abstentions are not permitted. The Clerk will announce the votes on each item. Any member of Council may move to "reconsider" any vote on any item on the agenda, except to adjourn, suspend the Rules, or where an intervening event has deprived the Council of jurisdiction, providing that said member originally voted on the prevailing side of the item. The motion to "reconsider" shall only be in order once during the meeting, and once during the next regular meeting. The member requesting reconsideration shall identify for all members present the agenda number, Council file number and subject matter previously voted upon. A motion to reconsider is not debatable and shall require an affirmative vote of eight (8) members of the Council.

When the Council has failed by sufficient votes to approve or reject an item, and has not lost jurisdiction over the matter, or has not caused it to be continued beyond the next regular meeting, the item is continued to the next regular meeting for the purpose of allowing the Council to again vote on the matter.

The City Council rules provide that all items adopted by the Council will not be presented to the Mayor, or other designated officer by the City Clerk until the adjournment of the regular Council meeting following the date of the Council action. A motion to send an item "forthwith" if adopted by ten (10) votes, suspends these rules and requires the City Clerk to forward the matter to the Mayor, or other officer, without delay.

When debate on an item is completed, the Chair will instruct the Clerk to "call the roll". Every member present must vote for or against each item; abstentions are not permitted. The Clerk will announce the votes on each item. Any member of Council may move to "reconsider" any vote on any item on the agenda, except to adjourn, suspend the Rules, or where an intervening event has deprived the Council of jurisdiction, providing that said member originally voted on the prevailing side of the item. The motion to "reconsider" shall only be in order once during the meeting, and once during the next regular meeting. The member requesting reconsideration shall identify for all members present the agenda number, Council file number and subject matter previously voted upon. A motion to reconsider is not debatable and shall require an affirmative vote of eight (8) members of the Council.

When the Council has failed by sufficient votes to approve or reject an item, and has not lost jurisdiction over the matter, or has not caused it to be continued beyond the next regular meeting, the item is continued to the next regular meeting for the purpose of allowing the Council to again vote on the matter.

The City Council rules provide that all items adopted by the Council will not be presented to the Mayor, or other designated officer by the City Clerk until the adjournment of the regular Council meeting following the date of the Council action. A motion to send an item "forthwith" if adopted by ten (10) votes, suspends these rules and requires the City Clerk to forward the matter to the Mayor, or other officer, without delay.

RULE 16 MOTIONS - Council Rule No. 16, in part, allows a member to send an item directly to the Council without it having to go to a Council Committee first, by giving the City Clerk a motion (seconded by an additional member) during a Council session to be placed on the next regular available Council agenda.


Los Angeles City Council Agenda
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Roll Call

Approval of the Minutes

Commendatory Resolutions, Introductions and Presentations

Multiple Agenda Item Comment

Public Testimony of Non-agenda Items Within Jurisdiction of Council

Items Noticed for Public Hearing

CD 11
HEARING COMMENTS relative to an Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption at Neuehouse Venice, located at 73 East Market Street.
  Applicant: 73 Market Lessee, LLCRepresentative: Marcia Davalos, City Land Use, Incorporated
  (Motion required for Findings and Council recommendations for the above application)
CD 1
HEARING COMMENTS relative to an Application for Determination of Public Convenience or Necessity for the sale of alcoholic beverages for both on-site and off-site consumption at Little Jewel of New Orleans, located at 207 West Ord Street.
  Applicant: Evangeline, IncorporatedRepresentative: FE Design and Consulting
(Motion required for Findings and Council recommendations for the above application)

Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held

CD 5 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to increasing speed limits for certain street segments in Council District Five.
  Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated May 19, 2021, amending Section 80.81, Division “P” of Chapter VIII of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to effect speed limit changes consistent with the speed study surveys conducted by the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to allow for the electronic enforcement of speed limits on Overland Avenue between Palms Boulevard and the City limit near Washington Boulevard, Olympic Boulevard between Century Park East and Sepulveda Boulevard, and Overland Avenue between Pico and Palms Boulevards.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 5
PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to appeals filed for an Eldercare Facility Unified Permit and a Site Plan Review for the property located at 825-847 Holt Avenue.
Recommendation for Council action:

VETO and REMAND the matter to the Central Los Angeles Area Planning Commission (CLAAPC) for further review and consideration of its determination to deny three appeals filed by: (1) Nikki Vescovi (on behalf of 839 Holt Townhomes Association) and Shelly Lavin, Kyle Miller, Jeremiah Loeb, Andrea Ward, Erica Goldberg, Angela Efros and P. Dumican; (2) Cheryl Holstrom; and (3) Daniel Sidis (Representative: Joshua Greer, Berger Greer, LLP), from the Zoning Administrator’s determination approving, pursuant to Section 14.3.1 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC), an Eldercare Facility Unified Permit for the construction, use, and maintenance of an approximately 57,680 square-foot Eldercare Facilities development consisting of both assistive living and Alzheimer's/Dementia uses in the [Q]R3-1-O Zone; and, approving, pursuant to LAMC Section 16.05, a Site Plan Review for the development; for a project that includes the demolition and removal of three two-story duplexes (one duplex in each of three lots, for a total of six dwelling units); and the construction, use, and maintenance of the proposed Eldercare Facility, which will contain 80 guest rooms, of which 62 guest rooms will be designated for Assisted Living Care, and 18 guest rooms will be designated for Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care; the proposed 5-story building will have a total Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 5.06:1, and a maximum height of 58 feet; for the property located at 825-837 Holt Avenue. 

(On June 9, 2021, the City Council adopted Motion [Koretz – Raman], pursuant to Charter Section 245, asserting jurisdiction over the April 27, 2021 action [Letter of Determination dated May 26, 201] of the CLAAPC.) 

Applicant: Daniel Kianmahd, The Panorama Group, Inc.

Representative: Stephen Kia, Urban Concepts

Case No. ZA-2020-2164-ELD-SPR-1A

Environmental No. ENV-2020-2165-CE
Fiscal Impact Statement:
The CLAAPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 5
CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION, PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT, and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to a Building Line Removal for the properties located at 3855-3859 South Motor Avenue and 10401-10417 West Washington Boulevard.
  Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:​
  1. FIND, based on the whole of the administrative record, that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15332, Class 32, and there is no substantial evidence demonstrating that an exception to a categorical exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2 applies.
  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission (WLAAPC) as the Findings of Council.
  3. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated January 20, 2021, for a Building Line Removal of a 20-foot Building Line along Washington Boulevard, established under Ordinance No. 60,771, for a project involving the demolition of a one-story thrift store and automobile shop, and the construction, use, and maintenance of an eight-story, 91 feet in height addition to an existing four-story, 33-unit multifamily building; the addition includes 112 new dwelling units for a total of 145 dwelling units, including 15 units set aside for Extremely Low Income Households, and 2,000 square feet of ground floor commercial uses with one level of subterranean parking; the project will include 71 new parking spaces in addition to 34 existing parking spaces for 105 total parking spaces; vehicular access would be provided via two driveways on Motor Avenue (one of which is already existing), a driveway on Washington Boulevard, and a driveway on the rear alley; for the properties located at 3855-3859 South Motor Avenue and 10401 -10417 West Washington Boulevard, subject to Conditions of Approval.

Applicant: Lou Jacobs, CLG WM, LLC

Representative: Ari Kahan, California Landmark Group

Case No. APCW-2020-5233-TOC-SPR-BL-HCA

Environmental No. ENV-2020-5234-CE
Fiscal Impact Statement:
The WLAAPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 13
SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES PROJECT EXEMPTION (SCPE) and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a SCPE request for the properties located at 5600-5606 West Hollywood Boulevard, 1655-1681 North St. Andrews Place, and 5607 West Carlton Way.
  Recommendations for Council action:​
  1. FIND, upon a review of the entire administrative record, including the SCPE Case No. ENV-2020-4927-SCPE, and all comments received, that:
    1. The proposed project qualifies as a transit priority project pursuant to Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21155(b), which by definition means that the proposed project is consistent with the general use designations, density, building intensity, and applicable policies specified for the project area in the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) prepared by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) pursuant to PRC Section 21155(a); and contains more than 50 percent residential; provides a minimum net density greater than 20 units an acre; and is within one-half mile of a major transit stop or high-quality transit corridor included in a regional transportation plan per PRC Section 21155(b).
    2. All criteria in PRC Section 21155.1(a) and (b) are met, including environmental criteria, land use criteria; and, at least one criteria (affordable housing) in PRC Section 21155.1(c).
  2. FIND that the proposed project qualifies as a transit priority project that is declared to be a Sustainable Communities Project and is therefore statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act, in accordance with PRC Section 21155.1, for the proposed 5600 Hollywood Project that would replace an existing three-story structure, a two-story structure, associated surface parking, 27 non-protected trees, and a vacant lot; with a 200-unit apartment building on an approximately 37,135 square-foot (0.85 acre) site at the Project site within the Hollywood Community Plan Area, which is located within a Tier 4 Transit Oriented Community (TOC) area at the intersection of Hollywood Boulevard and St. Andrews Place; the Project would develop a 17-story apartment building, including 126 one-bedroom units, 71 two-bedroom units, and 3 two-bedroom townhomes; of the 200 units, 40 units would be reserved as Very Low Income affordable units; parking would be provided in the building structure with two subterranean levels and three above-ground levels, with a total of 113 bicycle parking stalls (100 long-term stalls and 13 short-term stalls) and 265 vehicle parking spaces to be provided as permitted by Assembly Bill (AB) 2345; the proposed building would be approximately 196 feet in height and contain approximately 222,234 square feet of floor area, resulting in a proposed floor area ratio (FAR) of 6.0:1; the project construction would require the export of approximately 59,000 cubic yards of soil; for the properties located at 5600-5606 West Hollywood Boulevard, 1655-1681 North St. Andrews Place, and 5607 West Carlton Way.

Applicant: Sean Beddoe, BWC/St. Andrews, LP

Representative: Greg Verabian, AIA, HKS

Related Case No. CPC-2020-4296-CU-DB-SPP-SPR-VHCA

Environmental No. ENV-2020-4297-SCPE
Fiscal Impact Statement:
None submitted by the Department of City Planning. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 11
CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Appeal for the property located at 11961 West Venice Boulevard.
  Recommendations for Council action:​
  1. FIND, based on the whole of the administrative record, that the project is exempt from CEQA, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines, Section 15332 (Class 32 Urban In-Fill Development), and that there is no substantial evidence demonstrating that an exception to a categorical exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2 applies.
  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) as the Findings of Council.
  3. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEAL filed by Harvey Lind, Sherlind Properties, LLC, and THEREBY SUSTAIN the determination of the LACPC in approving a Categorical Exemption as the environmental clearance for the proposed project involving the demolition of an existing medical office building, and the construction of a new five-story, maximum 57-feet six-inches in height; 30,681 square-foot, multi-family apartment building consisting of 38 dwelling units over one level of subterranean parking containing 39 automobile stalls; the project reserves five of the units for Very Low Income Households; and will require the grading and export of approximately 8,008 cubic yards of soil, and the removal of one non-protected tree in the adjacent public right-of-way; for the property located at 11961 West Venice Boulevard.

Applicant:  Augusto Rojas, Rojas Augusto and Grace M TRS; Augusto and Grace Rojas Trust

Representative:  Nichole Smith, HORIZON Development + Entitlement

Case No. DIR-2019-3815-DB-1A

Environmental No. ENV-2019-3816-CE-1A
Fiscal Impact Statement:
The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 11
PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT (PLUM) COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the inclusion of the Chili Bowl, located at 12244-12248 West Pico Boulevard, in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments.
  Recommendations for Council action:​
  1. ADOPT the following FINDING of the PLUM Committee as the Finding of Council:
    1. The evidence in the record shows that due to extensive alterations to the structure, the property does not possess sufficient architectural quality or integrity to meet the criteria set forth to designate the structure as a historic cultural monument. This is further supported by documentation submitted to the record by the owner.
  2. DISAPPROVE the recommendation of the CHC, and THEREBY DENY the application for the inclusion of the Chili Bowl, located at 12244-12248 West Pico Boulevard, in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments. 

Applicant: Adrian Scott Fine, Los Angeles Conservancy

Owners: David and Katherine M. Manzano, and 12244 Pico, LLC c/o Rohit Jain

Case No. CHC-2019-6975-HCM

Environmental No. ENV-2019-6976-CE
Fiscal Impact Statement:
None submitted by the CHC. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: Yes.

West Los Angeles Neighborhood Council
CD 13 CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF HOUSING COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a ground lease with Thomas Safran and Associates or their to-be-formed Joint Venture and any other ancillary documents required for the lease of the development of the Hollywood Arts Collective project, located at 1633 North Wilcox Avenue and 6518-6522 Hollywood Boulevard; and, disposition of the Project Site land being subject to the State's Surplus Land Act (SLA).
  Recommendations for Council actions, pursuant to Motion (O’Farrell – Krekorian): 
  1. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA), or designee, to negotiate and execute a ground lease with Thomas Safran and Associates or their to-be-formed Joint Venture, and any other ancillary documents required for the lease of the Property, per the Key Terms and Conditions attached to the Council file, in order to proceed with the development of the Hollywood Arts Collective project, located at 1633 North Wilcox Avenue and 6518-6522 Hollywood Boulevard. 
  2. DECLARE that the disposition of the Project Site by ground lease to Thomas Safran and Associates or their to-be-formed Joint Venture constitutes exempt surplus prorperty under Government Code Section 54221(f)(1)(A) and/or 54221(f)(1)(F)(i) based on the facts set forth herein; and, that HCIDLA is directed to take any other necessary actions for compliance with the requirements of the SLA. 

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
  (Continued from Council meeting of June 23, 2021)
TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to amending the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) contract with Alexandra Rudoff d.b.a. Xany I.T. (Xany IT).
  Recommendation for Council action:

AUTHORIZE the General Manager, LADOT, or designee, to execute a Second Amendment the contract (No. C-127166) with Xany IT to extend the contract term from February 23, 2021, to August 22, 2022, to allow the contractor to complete active software development task orders to support transportation-related programs.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer (CAO) reports that this action will not impact the General Fund. Funding for the active Task Orders was previously identified and committed from the General Fund and various Special Fund sources. Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that this this action complies with the City financial policies in that the City’s financial obligation is limited to funds budgeted for this purpose according to the City’s standard provisions. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to installing commercial loading zones for exclusive use and access by zero-emission commercial delivery vehicles.
  Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated June 9, 2021, amending Section 80.56, Division L of Chapter VIII of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) to authorize the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to install, operate, and regulate Zero-Emission Vehicle Commercial Loading Zones for exclusive use and access by zero-emission commercial delivery vehicles.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEES’ REPORTS relative to establishing a regulatory framework for Personal Delivery Devices (PDDs) operating in the public right-of-way.
  1. Transportation Committee Report recommendations for Council action:
    1. APPROVE the regulatory framework presented in the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) report dated May 25, 2021, which includes new program fees, as amended to:
      1. Limit operation of the PDDs in the roadway when a sidewalk is present.
      2. Modify the draft application to require companies to identify proposed neighborhoods to be served and documented engagement with the affected Neighborhood Councils and other local organizations.
      3. Modify the fleet size to allow up to 100 devices per neighborhood, with each operator allowed to operate in up to three neighborhoods; operators may add up to three additional neighborhoods with an L.A. Equity Index score of 5.5 or less; additional expansions or reductions will be at the discretion of LADOT; and, exempt all PDDs that are active and soon to be active in San Pedro from proposed fleet size caps.
    2. DIRECT that the Bureau of Streets Services to report on appropriate compliance measurements six months after program initiation.
    3. REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare and present an ordinance for the permitting and regulation of PDDs.
    4. DIRECT the LADOT and the Bureau of Street Services to report in 120 days on the status of the program and any additional staff required to enforce compliance with permit rules and guidelines, and include recommendations on adjusting fleet size, fees and fee structures, equity incentives and saturation protections; information on the cost of administration and enforcement, and if additional positions are needed, to be funded by fee revenue; and, information from LADOT and the City Attorney on minimum employment standards, including local hire requirements, wage standards, and employee status.
    5. DIRECT the LADOT to allow currently operating companies to continue their existing operation in San Pedro and Venice without interruption during the transition into the new pilot program.
  2. Public Works Committee Report recommendations for Council action:

    Concur with the Transportation Committee recommendations above with the following amendments:

    1. Amend Recommendation No. 1(c) above to read:

      Modify the fleet size to allow operators to have up to 75 devices based within a neighborhood council boundary, with each operator allowed to use up to three neighborhood councils to base up to 75 vehicles each. Operators may add up to three additional neighborhood councils with an L.A. Equity Index score of 5.5 or less; additional expansions or reductions will be at the discretion of LADOT; and, exempt all PDD that are active and soon to be active in San Pedro from proposed fleet size caps.

    2. Amend Recommendation No. 4 above to read:

      DIRECT the LADOT and the Bureau of Street Services to report in 120 days on the status of the program and any additional staff required to enforce compliance with permit rules and guidelines, and include recommendations on adjusting fleet size, fees and fee structures due increased deployment recommended by either Transportation Committee or Public Works Committee, equity incentives and saturation protections; information on the cost of administration and enforcement, and if additional positions are needed, to be funded by fee revenue; and, information from LADOT and the City Attorney on minimum employment standards, including local hire requirements, wage standards, employee status, and limiting City liability.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADOT reports that this action will not impact the General Fund. This is a permit program and revenues will cover program costs. Community Impact Statement: Yes
For: Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council
TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the certification and implementation of the Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan by the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT).
  Recommendation for Council action:

ADOPT and CERTIFY the Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan attached to the LADOT report dated June 8, 2021, as required by the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) regulations, which authorizes the General Manager, LADOT, to continue to apply for and receive federal formula grant funds as well as discretionary grant funds to continue to purchase alternative fuel and electric buses and the facilities to maintain and charge them.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADOT reports that this action will not impact the General Fund. Certification of the Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan is required to continue bus and facility capital purchases through the use of federal grant funds, thereby eliminating or strictly minimizing the expenditure of City funds. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a report on the County of San Bernardino's new mobile app, which allows residents to report illegal fireworks usage, and the feasibility of implementing a similar program in the City. 
  Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Ridley-Thomas – Rodriguez): 

DIRECT the Los Angeles Fire Department and the Los Angeles Police Department, with the assistance of the Information Technology Agency and the City Attorney’s Office to report on the County of San Bernardino's model of tracking and responding to fireworks complaints received through a mobile application, and on the feasibility of implementing a similar program in the City. 
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has complete a financial analysis of this report.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the anticipated expenditure of funds allocated to the Supplemental Police Account Expenditure Plan 33. 
  Recommendation for Council action: 

APPROVE the Supplemental Police Account Expenditure Plan 33. 
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Board of Police Commissioners. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Supplemental Police Account Forth Quarter Report for October through December 2020. 
  Recommendation for Council action: 

APPROVE the Supplemental Police Account Fourth Quarterly Report, to comply with the provisions of Chapter 120, Section 5.520 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code. 
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Board of Police Commissioners. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Revolving Training Fund Semi-Annual Report for the period of July 1 through December 31, 2020. 
  Recommendation for Council action: 

APPROVE the Los Angeles Police Department’s Revolving Training Fund Semi-Annual Report for the period of July 1 through December 31, 2020, prepared by the Training Bureau. 
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Board of Police Commissioners. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
PUBLIC SAFETY and BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE’S REPORTS relative authority to accept the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Domestic Violence Assistance (DH) Program Grant from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), Victim Services and Public Safety Branch; and, execute contract amendments. 
  Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. AUTHORIZE the Mayor, or designee, to:
    1. Accept, on behalf of the City, the augmentation of the FY 2018 Domestic Violence Assistance Program grant in the amount of $38,122, from the Cal OES, Victim Services and Public Safety Branch, for a performance period of January 1, 2019 through September 30, 2021.
    2. Negotiate and execute the grant award agreement and authorize the Mayor’s Office of Public Safety to submit any other necessary agreements and documents relative to the grant award, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.
    3. Negotiate and execute a contract amendment with Jenesse Center, Inc., to increase its total contract amount by $14,296, from the previously authorized amount of $105,000, to a new contract amount of $119,296, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.
    4. Negotiate and execute a contract amendment with Haven Hills, Inc., to increase its total contract amount by $14,296, from the previously authorized amount of $101,090, to a new contract amount of $115,386, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.
    5. Prepare Controller instructions for any technical adjustments as necessary, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer (CAO); and ,authorize the Controller to implement the instructions>
  2. APPROVE the augmentation of the FY 2018 Domestic Violence Assistance Program grant budget; and, authorize the Mayor’s Office of Public Safety to expend the grant in accordance with the approved grant budget.
  3. AUTHORIZE the Controller to:
    1. Increase appropriations and establish new appropriation accounts within the FY18 DH Grant Fund No. 62G/46 as follows:
      Fund/Dept.  Account No.  Account Name  Amount
      62G/46 46T146 Mayor  $6,782
      62G/46 46T299 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs 2,748
      62G/46 46R304 Contractual  28,592
          Total:  $38,122
    2. Transfer appropriations within Fund No. 62G/46 to the General Fund for reimbursement as follows:
      TRANSFER FROM:       
      Fund/Dept. Account No.  Account Name Amount
      62G/46 46T146 Mayor  $6,782
          Total:  $6,782
      TRANSFER TO:       
      Fund/Dept. Account No. Account Name Amount
      100/46 001020 Grant Reimbursed $6,782
          Total:  $6,782
    3. Expend funds upon presentation of proper demands from the Office of the Mayor.
    4. Transfer up to $2,748 from Fund No. 62G, Account No. 46T299 to the General Fund, Department No. 46, Revenue Source Code No. 5346, for the reimbursement of grant-funded fringe benefits.
    5. Transfer cash from Fund No. 62G/46, to reimburse the General Fund, on an as-needed basis, upon presentation of proper documentation from City departments.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that approval of the recommendations within this report will have no additional impact to the General fund and will allow for the expenditure of the FY 2018 Domestic Violence Assistance Program grant award totaling $538,122 for grant-related projects. The 10-percent match requirement has already been fulfilled within the original grant performance period through the salary expenditures of 23 LAPD Police Officer IIs assigned to the Domestic Abuse Response Team. Financial Policies Statement: The  CAO reports that recommendations in this report are in compliance with the City’s Financial Policies in that all grant funds will be utilized for grant-eligible activities. Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the State Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) Ninth Quarterly Expenditure Report (January 1 – March 31, 2021) and funding recommendations.
  Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. RECOGNIZE $61,496.84 in interest earned on the HEAP grant receipts in Fund No. 60P, RSRC 4903 as of April 30, 2021, and allocate to HEAP Activity Category 3 Capital, Operating, Services – Citywide (Activity Category 3) within Fund No. 60P, Department 10.
  2. RECOGNIZE up to $49,389.09 in interest earned on the HEAP grant receipts in Fund No. 60P, RSRC 4903 through June 30, 2021, and allocate to HEAP Activity Category 3 Capital, Operating, Services – Citywide (Activity Category 3) within Fund No. 60P, Department 10.
  3. APPROVE up to $110,885.93 from the HEAP Activity Category 3 Capital, Operating, Services – Citywide for the Board of Public Works to continue Citywide hygiene services, through the Pit Stop program, from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021, which will reduce the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program (HHAP) allocation for this program.
  4. AUTHORIZE the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to:
    1. Prepare Controller instructions or make any necessary technical adjustments to implement the intent of these transactions, and authorize the Controller to implement these instructions.
    2. Prepare any additional Controller instructions to reimburse City Departments for their accrued labor, material, or permit costs related to projects in this report consistent with the Mayor and Council action on this matter and authorize the Controller to implement these instructions. 
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no impact to the General Fund as a result of the recommendations in this report. Sufficient funding is available within the Homeless Emergency Aid Program to support the recommendations in this report.  Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the recommendations in this report comply with the City’s Financial Policies. Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
  (Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment waived consideration of the above matter)
CDs 4,6,9,11,12,14,15 STATUTORY EXEMPTION and HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to COVID-19 Homelessness Roadmap funding.
  Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. DETERMINE the Crisis and Bridge Housing facility at 2300 South Central Avenue, which allows for leasing, minor improvements, and the operation as temporary homeless shelter for those experiencing homelessness, is statutorily exempt under Public Resources Code Section 21080(b)(4) as specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency as also reflected in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guideline Section 15269(c); Public Resources Code Section 21080.27 (AB 1197) applicable to City of Los Angeles emergency homeless shelters; and, because the project uses “Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program funds,” it is exempt under Governor’s Order N-32-20.
  2. APPROVE the recommendations of the City Administrative Officer (CAO) report dated June 17, 2021, attached to the Council file as amended in Committee to incorporate the changes and additions as detailed in Recommendation Nos. 1 – 25b, as detailed in the Communication from the CAO – Amended Recommendations, dated June 24, 2021, attached to the Council file.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no impact to the General Fund as a result of the recommendations in the CAO report dated June 17, 2021, attached to the Council file, at this time. The recommendations in the CAO report will be funded with the City General Fund previously approved for homeless interventions; CARES Act; State of California Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Program; and the County of Los Angeles service funding commitment in Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-21. Beginning in FY 2022-23, the estimated annual cost of the City share of ongoing operations/services costs for the currently approved Roadmap interventions is estimated at $47,490,265. Funding for these costs could be covered by State HHAP and HHAP 2 grants. Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports the recommendations in the CAO subject CAO report comply with the City Financial Policies.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
  (Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment waived consideration of the above matter)
HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to amending the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC) to expedite administrative processes and time for a parking facility to be ready for use as a safe haven by those experiencing homelessness. 
  Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated June 2, 2021, amending Article 4, Chapter 20, Section 22.483 of the LAAC to grant sole authority to the General Manager of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to determine the rates, maximum legal parking time, and the hours of operation of an LADOT controlled off-street parking facility when approved and funded by the City Council for use as a Safe Parking program, or any other homeless program or project.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the CAO nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
CD 13 HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a request for authority to select developers for affordable housing and actions related to the disposition of the City-owned properties located at 1140-1152 North Glendale Boulevard and 1140-1155 North Lemoyne Street. 
  Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: 
  1. NOTE and FILE the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) report, dated May 13, 2021, attached to the Council file,  relative to the selection of developers for affordable housing and various actions related to the disposition of the City-owned properties located at 1140-1152 North Glendale Boulevard and 1140-1155 North Lemoyne Street. 
  2. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, HCIDLA, or designee, to: 
    1. Select the development team consisting of The Related Companies of California and A Community of Friends and/or its to be formed Limited Partnership to develop affordable housing, which will include supportive housing, at the City-owned properties located at 1140-1152 North Glendale Boulevard and 1140-1155 North Lemoyne Street (Assessor Parcel Numbers 5404-016-900 and 5404-016-901).
    2. Negotiate and execute an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with The Related Companies of California and A Community of Friends and/or its to be formed Limited Partnership, for the City-owned properties located at 1140-1152 North Glendale Boulevard and 1140-1155 North Lemoyne Street, for a term of one year from the execution date, in substantial conformance to the sample ENA attached to the subject City Administrative Officer (CAO) report, dated June 17, 2021, attached to the Council file, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form, and compliance with all City contracting requirements.
    3. Prepare Controller instructions for any necessary technical adjustments consistent with the Mayor and Council actions on this matter, subject to the approval of the CAO, and request the Controller to implement these instructions.
  3. INSTRUCT the HCIDLA to report back to the Mayor and Council and request authority to execute a Disposition and Development Agreement with the Developer.
  4. REQUIRE the developer to engage in comprehensive community outreach with the surrounding community, including consulting with El Centro del Pueblo, as the building program is developed, as amended by the Homelessness and Poverty Committee. 
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no impact to the General Fund as a result of executing an ENA for the development of affordable housing at the City-owned properties at 1140-1152 North Glendale Boulevard and 1140-1155 North Lemoyne Street (Project). Potential Project funding sources include State tax-exempt bonds, State tax credits, and private financing, among others. There is no additional cost to the City, and no funding commitments are being made at this time. There is a potential impact to the General Fund as a result of the proposed lack of replacement parking for the Project. The Special Parking Revenue Fund (SPRF), which collects parking revenue from the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT)-owned parking facilities and lots, transfers its annual surplus to the General Fund. Under the current proposal, SPRF may experience an annual potential revenue loss of up to $18,759. It should be noted that the potential revenue loss was calculated by LADOT at pre-COVID conditions. Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the recommendations in the subject CAO report comply with the City’s Financial Policies.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the next phase of the State’s Homekey Program and recommendations to secure future funding.
  Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Martinez - O’Farrell):

INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department, City Administrative Officer (CAO), and Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) to coordinate the next phase of the State’s Homekey Program and report with any recommendations to secure future funding.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the CAO nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
  (Ad Hoc Committee on COVID-19 Recovery and Neighborhood Investment waived consideration of the above matter)
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the 2020-30 Department of Public Works (DPW) Project Labor Agreement.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. APPROVE the 2020-30 DPW Project Labor Agreement negotiated by the Bureau of Contract Administration (BCA).
  2. EXTEND the 2015-20 DPW Project Labor Agreement through Council's approval of the 2020-30 DPW Project Labor Agreement.
  3. AUTHORIZE the President or two members, Board of Public Works (BPW), to execute the Project Labor Agreement after Mayoral and Council approval.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The BPW reports that the depth and frequency of reporting required by the BPW along with the number of projects that qualify under the project labor agreement will determine if the BCA will require additional resources. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the completed sidewalk repairs for City facilities and the work plan.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. NOTE and FILE the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) report dated June 3, 2021 relative the completed sidewalk repairs for City facilities and the work plan.
  2. INSTRUCT the BOE to report in 60 days with a timeline, based upon the current schedule and funding, for when the other categories of facilities listed in the settlement will be addressed.
  3. INSTRUCT the BOE, in coordination with the Bureau of Street Services, to report within 60 days with data on all MyLA311 requests for sidewalk repair, including how many were repaired with concrete, how many were repaired with asphalt, how many locations have not been addressed yet, and the settlement facility category for each location.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Not applicable Community Impact Statement: None submitted
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Street Damage Restoration Fee (SDRF) calculation methodology for small excavations; and to continue developing standards for trenchless technologies such as horizontal boring and punching technologies.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. REQUEST the City Attorney, with assistance from the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) and Bureau of Street Services, to draft an Ordinance such that the SDRF calculation methodology for small excavations applies to the direct excavation area only and that the extra 5 feet that is currently applied to all sides of excavations not be applied to these smaller excavations, and to exempt sewer lateral repairs.
  2. INSTRUCT the BOE to continue to develop standards for trenchless technologies such as horizontal boring and punching technologies.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the BOE. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to enhancing the Public Way Reservation System (PWRS); and clarifying Los Angeles codes to allow the Administrative Citation Enforcement Unit to issue citations in the enforcement of recently enacted penalties.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. DIRECT all departments and bureaus, and REQUEST all proprietary departments, to actively use PWRS for activities planned in the public right-of-way, in an effort to improve data collection, foster collaboration amongst offices, reduce avoidable conflicts, and minimize impacts to the public.
  2. REQUEST the City Attorney to draft an ordinance to make any necessary clarifications to the Los Angeles Municipal Code and/or the Los Angeles Administrative Code to allow the Administrative Citation Enforcement Unit to issue citations in the enforcement of recently enacted penalties included in Ordinance 186854.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Bureau of Engineering. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
PUBLIC WORKS and ARTS, PARKS, HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND NEIGHBORHOODS COMMITTEES’ REPORTS relative to the development of an outdoor performance program, and related matters.
  1. Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee Report:

    Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Raman, Krekorian, Bonin - Cedillo):

    1. INSTRUCT the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) and Bureau of Engineering (BOE), with the assistance of the Bureau of Street Services (BSS), Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS), Department of City Planning, City Attorney, and Department of Cultural Affairs, as needed, to report within 60 days on developing an outdoor performance program that allows for a streamlined outdoor event permit process, including but not limited to a potential program structure, eligibility criteria, safety and infrastructure requirements, and a plan that would enable interested businesses to opt in to the permit program. The program should outline protocols to enable venues to hold outdoor concerts, theatrical productions, and other live performances. The plan should specifically consider the following components:
      1. The designation of a single City entity responsible for processing applications to ensure venues have only one point of contact.
      2. A clear, predictable, expeditious timeline for processing of applications.
      3. A process for venues to apply once for a series of events to be held in a single location under the same conditions.
      4. A process for allowing alcoholic beverages to be served outdoors within specified physical boundaries during outdoor events only.
    2. INSTRUCT the Department of Finance to report within 60 days on the feasibility and cost estimate of waiving fees for outside venue permits, business regulatory fees, business registration, and any other taxes or fees within our legal power to waive that are incurred by music venues for two years.
    3. INSTRUCT the CLA, with the assistance of the City Attorney, BOE and LADOT, to report within 60 days on any changes to State or County Codes that would need to be made in order to effectuate this program.
  2. Public Works Committee Report:

    Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Raman, Krekorian, Bonin - Cedillo):
    1. INSTRUCT the BSS, with the assistance of the CLA, LADOT, BOE, LADBS, City Attorney, and any other necessary departments to report within 60 days with recommendations for the development of an outdoor event permit program as outlined in the original Motion, attached to the Council file, and with guidance on noise and sound levels for events in residential and business areas including regulations for amplified sound.
    2. INSTRUCT the Office of Finance to report within 60 days on the feasibility of waiving City taxes and fees levied on music venues for a two-year period and to include cost estimates.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 10 HOUSING COMMITTEE REPORT relative to assessing the City-owned property located at 682 South Vermont Avenue to determine suitability to repurpose and redevelop with deeply affordable and permanent supportive housing.  
  Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Ridley-Thomas – Raman): 
  1. DIRECT the City Administrative Officer (CAO), with the assistance of the Department of General Services, Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) and any other relevant departments, to assess the City-owned property located at 682 South Vermont Avenue in Koreatown (APN 507-707-0902), to determine the suitability for development with deeply affordable and/or permanent supportive housing, in conformance with the procedure set forth for the City’s Asset Evaluation Framework; and, report back to Council within 60 days. 
  2. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, HCIDLA, or designee, to take all appropriate steps to engage a qualified developer to develop the site, if the property is deemed suitable for housing development. 
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the CAO nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND JOBS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to reestablishing the moratorium on enforcing and issuing citations for vending without a valid license or permit for the duration of the COVID-19 State of Emergency and for six months thereafter.
Recommendations for Council action, initiated by Motion (Raman – Price – Cedillo):
  1. RESCIND the March 17, 2020 Motion, attached to the Council file, notwithstanding the Bureau of Street Service (BOSS) enforcement authority; and, further AFFIRM that the Bureau of Street Services (BOSS) retains enforcement authority as provided by statute and regulation.
  2. INSTRUCT the BOSS to:
    1. Provide a status update on their discussions with the County Department of Public Health in regards to its cart permit requirements and how the City and the County can collaborate to create a vending program in Los Angeles that allows for the participation of all vendors.
    2. Continue to utilize an education-based approach to compliance with the rules and regulations of park and sidewalk vending.
    3. Issue penalty-free notices of violation specific to park and sidewalk vending without a permit.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
HOUSING COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the feasibility of creating a citywide program that provides financing for the construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) to house formerly homeless Angelenos by exploring opportunities for public-private partnerships and accompanying master-lease system which could be administered and include the provision of supportive services; and, explore proposals that seek to utilize this type of financing option that has the potential to scale up homeless housing options throughout the City.
  Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Blumenfield – Price):
  1. INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA), City Administrative Officer (CAO), Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) to report back in 10 days on the feasibility of creating a citywide program that provides financing for the construction of ADUs that will be used to house formerly homeless Angelenos via a master lease agreement which wouid be administered by the City or its partner.
  2. INSTRUCT the HCIDLA, CAO and CLA to prepare for Federal and State funding opportunities and report back in 10 days with available financing tools such as: grants, low-cost tax-exempt financing, loan loss reserve fund available for the construction of such ADUs; and, funding sources to manage a citywide program that provides case management services for tenants; the report should include a cost comparison between financing these ADUs and other forms of homeless housing including permanent supportive housing.
  3. INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety and the HCIDLA to report back on scaling up the existing ADU Accelerator Program and including ground up construction of ADUs citywide and developing a programmatic framework to expand the tenant base beyond older adults.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the CAO nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted. 
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND JOBS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code to extend the reduced cost ($291) of the sidewalk vending operating permit until July 1, 2022.
Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Price – Raman – O’Farrell):

REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare and present an Ordinance to amend Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 42.13.82 to extend the reduced cost ($291) of the sidewalk vending operating permit until July 1, 2022.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
MOTION (RODRIGUEZ – DE LEON – BONIN – RAMAN), COMMUNICATION FROM CITY ATTORNEY, and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to the creation of the Youth Development Department and related matters.
(Budget and Finance Committee report to be submitted in Council. If public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)

(Click on the above hyperlink or go to for background documents.)
  Community Impact Statement: None submitted
  (Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to amending the Los Angeles Administrative Code to create the Community Investment for Families Department and rename the Housing and Community Investment Department.

(Budget and Finance Committee report to be submitted in Council. If public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)

(Click on the above hyperlink or go to for background documents.)
  Community Impact Statement: None submitted

Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR relative to the appointment of Ms. Barbara Romero as the permanent Executive Director, Bureau of Sanitation.
  Recommendation for Council action:

RESOLVE that the Mayor's appointment of Ms. Barbara Romero as the permanent Executive Director, Bureau of Sanitation, is APPROVED and CONFIRMED.

Financial Disclosure Statement:  Pending.

Background Check:  Pending.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
  (Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
CD 15 COMMUNICATION FROM THE MUNICIPAL FACILITIES COMMITTEE (MFC) relative to declaring that the City-owned property located at 501 North Mesa Street is "Exempt Surplus Land."
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. DECLARE that the City-owned property located at 501 North Mesa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90731 (APN No. 7449-002-900) in Council District 15 is “exempt surplus land” pursuant to the guidelines of AB 1486 due to the City’s transferring of the property to another local, state or federal agency for the agency’s use.
  2. FIND and DETERMINE that the subject property is no longer required for use by the City and that the public interest is best served by its disposal.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The MFC reports that there is no fiscal impact on the General Fund based on the recommendations in this report. The City will receive fair market value for the eventual sale of the property. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
  (Information, Technology, and General Services Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
CD 14 CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (de Leon - Raman) relative to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) for the proposed future development of the City-owned First and Alameda Street site and Metro-owned First Street and Central Avenue site.
  Recommendation for Council action:

INSTRUCT and AUTHORIZE the Chief Legislative Analyst, with the assistance of the City Administrative Officer and all relevant City departments, to negotiate and execute a MOU with the Metro, as well as any other documents necessary, for the proposed future development of the City-owned First and Alameda Street site (aka the Mangrove Site) and Metro-owned First Street and Central Avenue site (aka the Regional Connector Site).
Community Impact Statement: None submitted
  (Information, Technology, and General Services Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
CD 9 COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to the final map of Tract No. 74715 located at 3800 South Vermont, southerly of Exposition Boulevard.
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the final map of Tract No. 74715, located at 3800 South Vermont Avenue, southerly of Exposition Boulevard and accompanying Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Contract with security documents.

(Bond No. C-138450)
Owner: State of California; Surveyor: Matthew Rowe
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that the subdivider has paid a fee of $22,103.90 for the processing of this final tract map pursuant to Section 19.02(A) (2) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. No additional City funds are needed. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 8 COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (HCIDLA) and RESOLUTION relative to removing the property at 6520 South Brynhurst Avenue (Case No. 714799) Assessor I.D. No. 4006-019-008 from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the HCIDLA report recommendation dated June 17, 2021, attached to the council file and ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION removing the property at 6520 South Brynhurst Avenue (Case No. 714799) Assessor I.D. No. 4006-019-008 from the REAP.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the HCIDLA.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 9 COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (HCIDLA) and RESOLUTION relative to removing the property at 740 East 50th Street (Case No. 544141) Assessor I.D. No. 5108-013-008 from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the HCIDLA report recommendation dated June 17, 2021, attached to the council file and ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION removing the property at 740 East 50th Street (Case No. 544141) Assessor I.D. No. 5108-013-008 from the REAP.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the HCIDLA. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 9 COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (HCIDLA) and RESOLUTION relative to removing the property at 968 West 43rd Place (Case No. 646040) Assessor I.D. No. 5020-035-008 from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the HCIDLA report recommendation dated June 17, 2021, attached to the council file and ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION removing the property at 968 West 43rd Place (Case No. 646040) Assessor I.D. No. 5020-035-008 from the REAP.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the HCIDLA. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 9 COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (HCIDLA) and RESOLUTION relative to removing property at 965 West 47th Street  (Case No. 587993) Assessor I.D. No. 5018-009-021 from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE  the HCIDLA report recommendation dated June 17, 2021, attached to the council file and ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION removing the property at 965 West 47th Street (Case No. 587993) Assessor I.D. No. 5018-009-021 from the REAP.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the HCIDLA. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (HCIDLA) and RESOLUTION relative to removing property at 3127 West 11th Street (Case No. 560303) Assessor I.D. No. 5080-014-025 from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the HCIDLA report recommendation dated June 17, 2021, attached to the council file and ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION removing property at 3127 West 11th Street (Case No. 560303) Assessor I.D. No. 5080-014-025 from the REAP.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the HCIDLA. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 10 COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (HCIDLA) and RESOLUTION relative to removing property at 2646 South Vineyard Avenue (Case No. 554144) Assessor I.D. No. 5057-006-004 from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the HCIDLA report recommendation dated June 17, 2021, attached to the council file and ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION removing the property at 2646 South Vineyard Avenue (Case No. 554144) Assessor I.D. No. 5057-006-004 from the REAP.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the HCIDLA. Neither the City Administrative  Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 13 COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (HCIDLA) and RESOLUTION relative to removing property at 1711 Morton Avenue  (Case No. 593618) Assessor I.D. No. 5420-027-021) from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the HCIDLA  report recommendation dated June 17, 2021, attached to the council file and ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION removing the property at 1711 Morton Avenue (Case No. 593618) Assessor I.D. No.5420-027-021 from the REAP.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the HCIDLA. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 9 COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (HCIDLA) and RESOLUTION relative to removing property at 4317 South Compton Avenue (Case No. 686356) Assessor I.D. No. 5116-008-004) from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the HCIDLA report recommendation dated June 23, 2021, attached to the council file and ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION removing the property at 4317 South Compton Avenue (Case No. 686356) Assessor I.D. No. 5116-008-004 from the REAP.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the HCIDLA. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 13 COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY INVESTMENT DEPARTMENT (HCIDLA) and RESOLUTION relative to removing property at 955 North Serrano (Case No. 722085) Assessor I.D. No. 5535-022-013) from the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the HCIDLA report recommendation dated June 23, 2021, attached to the council file and ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION removing the property at 955 North Serrano(Case No. 722085) Assessor I.D. 5535-022-013 from the REAP.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the HCIDLA. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 10 COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to the final map of Tract No. 74364 located at 1444 South Hi Point Street, southerly of Pico Boulevard.
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the final map of Tract No.74364, located at 1444 South Hi Point Street, southerly of Pico Boulevard and accompanying Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Contract with security documents.

(Bond No. C-138460)
Owner: Onward Capital LLC; Surveyor: Taik Y. Kim
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that the subdivider has paid a fee of $9,064.00 for the processing of this final tract map pursuant to Section 19.02(A) (2) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. No additional City funds are needed. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 12 COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to the final map of Tract No. 74478 located at 10811 – 10921 North Old Santa Susana Pass Road, northerly of Chatsworth Street.
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the final map of Tract No. 74478, located at 10811 – 10921 North Old Santa Susana Pass Road, northerly of Chatsworth Street and accompanying Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Contract with security documents.

(Bond No. C-138470)
Owner: Santa Susana Estates, LLC; Surveyor: Anthony Cuomo
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that the subdivider has paid a fee of $9,064.00 for the processing of this final tract map pursuant to Section 19.02(A) (2) of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. No additional City funds are needed. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 9 MOTION (PRICE – O’FARRELL) relative to approving a street banner campaign being coordinated by the Voices Neighborhood Council to encourage civic participation and stakeholders to become involved with the South Los Angeles community.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. APPROVE the Street Banner Program, in accordance with Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 62.132, being coordinated by Voices Neighborhood Council, as a City of Los Angeles Non-Event Street Banner Program for the period of July, 2021-July, 2022.
  2. APPROVE the content of the street banner designs, attached to the Motion.
CD 15 MOTION (BUSCAINO – KORETZ) relative to funding for various sidewalk and street improvement/beautification projects throughout Council District 15.
  DIRECT the City Clerk to place on the Council Agenda for July 1, 2021, or soon thereafter as possible, the following actions for adoption:
  1. TRANSFER and APPROPRIATE $200,000 in the Council District 15 portion of the Street Furniture Revenue Fund No. 430 Dept. 50 to the Street Services Fund No. 100/86, Account No. 1090 (Salaries- Overtime) for various sidewalk and street improvement/beautification projects throughout Council District 15.
  2. AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Street Services to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above fund transfer instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion.
MOTION (O'FARRELL - PRICE) relative to funding services in connection with the illumination of City Hall for the Council District 13 special recognition of LGBT Heritage Month on June 26-30, 2021.
  Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

TRANSFER and APPROPRIATE $400 in the Council District 13 portion of the Special Events Fee Subsidy line item in the General City Purposes Fund No. 100/56 to the General Services Fund No. 100/40, Account No. 1070 (Salaries-As Needed), for services in connection with the Council District 13 special recognition of LGBT Heritage Month, at City Hall on June 26-30, 2021, including the illumination of City Hall
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. ADOPT the determination by the BOHC that the proposed action is administratively and categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article Il, Section 2(f) and Article III, Class 6(2) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines.
  2. APPROVE Port of Los Angeles (POLA) Resolution No. 20-9732 authorizing proposed First Amendment to Subrecipient Agreement No. 20-3533-A with Everport Terminal Services Inc., BYD Motors Inc., and Taylor Machine Works, Inc., to extend the project schedule and the terms of the agreement until March 31, 2022, regarding the POLA Everport Advanced Cargo Handling Demonstration Project.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The BOHC reports that this action will not impact the General Fund. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
  (Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
MOTION (BONIN – BLUMENFIELD – BUSCAINO) relative to reactivating and restoring Council file No. 18-0458 to its most recent legislative status.
  Recommendation for Council action:

REACTIVATE and RESTORE the matter of "Bureau of Street Services / Department of Transportation / Merger / Phased Action Plan / Feasibility Report" as recorded under Council file No. 18-0458, which expired per Council policy (Council file No. 05-0553), to its most recent legislative status as of the date of the File's expiration.
MOTION (BUSCAINO – LEE) and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to a City Attorney report and Ordinance pending in the Homelessness and Poverty Committee regarding amending Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 41.18 to specify the particular times at which and the particular locations where it shall be unlawful for a person to sit, lie, or sleep upon public property, and amending LAMC Section 56.11 to align with Section 41.18.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. WITHDRAW, pursuant to Rule 54 of the Rules of the City Council, the matter of the COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION, relative to amending Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 41.18 to specify the particular times at which and the particular locations where it shall be unlawful for a person to sit, lie, or sleep upon public property, and amending LAMC Section 56.11 to align with Section 41.18, (Council file No. 20-1376), currently pending in the Homelessness & Poverty Committee, from committee (8 votes required) and placed before the City Council for consideration. [A copy of the documents pending in Committee is attached].
  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated October 26, 2020.

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to amending the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC) to establish a Climate Emergency Mobilization Commission and a Climate Emergency Mobilization Office within the Department of Public Works.


Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated June 23, 2020 adding Chapter 35 to Division 22 of the LAAC to establish a Climate Emergency Mobilization Commission and adding Article 12 to Chapter 13 of Division 22 of the LAAC establishing a Climate Emergency Mobilization Office and Director within the Department of Public Works.

Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney.  Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
  (Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
RESOLUTION (KORETZ - BONIN) relative to establishing the City's position regarding AB 43 (Friedman - Ting - Chui - Quirk) that would authorize local authorities flexibility in setting and lowering speed limits.
  Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE CONCURRENCE OF THE MAYOR:

RESOLVE to include in the City's 2021-22 State Legislative Program, SUPPORT for 43 (Friedman - Ting - Chui - Quirk) that would authorize local authorities flexibility in setting and lowering speed limits. 
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
  (Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
MOTION (BONIN - HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to asserting jurisdiction over the West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission (WLAAPC) June 2, 2021 action.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. ASSERT jurisdiction, pursuant to City Charter Section 245, over the June 2, 2021 (Letter of Determination dated June 16, 2021) WLAAPC action to deny the appeal, and thereby sustain the Planning Director's Determination to approve a Coastal Development Permit, Mello Act Compliance Review, and preliminary Parcel Map (Small Lot Subdivision) in the Coastal Zone, in the matter of Case Numbers DIR-2019-2610-CDP-MEL-1A and AA-2019-2609-PMLA-SL-1A, for the properties located at 313 and 315 South 6th Avenue.
  2. VETO the above described action of the WLAAPC, upon assertion of jurisdiction, and REMAND the matter to the WLAAPC for reconsideration.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.

Items Called Special

Motions for Posting and Referral

Council Members' Requests for Excuse from Attendance at Council Meetings

Closed Session

The City Council shall recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) and 54956.9(g), to confer with its legal counsel relative to the case entitled Josh Rodner v. City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles City Claim No. C19-05866. (This case is a claim against the City arising out of a retaining wall that failed adjacent to the claimant’s residence.)

(Budget and Finance Committee to consider the above matter in closed session on June 28, 2021)

Adjourning Motions

Council Adjournment

EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES - If you challenge a City action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at or prior to, the public hearing. Any written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk before the City Council's final action on a matter will become a part of the administrative record.

CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 1094.5 - If a Council action is subject to judicial challenge pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5, be advised that the time to file a lawsuit challenging a final action by the City Council is limited by Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 which provides that the lawsuit must be filed no later than the 90th day following the date on which the Council's action becomes final.

Materials relative to items on this agenda can be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk's Council File Management System, at by entering the Council File number listed immediately following the item number (e.g., 00-0000).