Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held
| (1)
24-1146 |
CD 10 |
ARTS, PARKS, LIBRARIES, AND COMMUNITY ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to recommendations to convert the current closure of Wilton Place at Pico Boulevard into a parklet.
Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Hutt – McOsker):
INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering, with the assistance of the Department of Recreation and Parks and the City Attorney, to report to Council with recommendations to convert the current closure of Wilton Place at Pico Boulevard into a parklet, including the feasibility of vacating the public right-of-way, to allow for pedestrian access and community enjoyment of needed green space at this location.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted
| (2)
24-1526 |
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an assessment of equipment and training needed to mitigate electric vehicle (EV) fires.
Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Rodriguez – Hernandez):
- INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) to report to Council with an assessment of equipment needed to mitigate EV fires. This report should include the following information:
- Tools and equipment the LAFD currently has to address EV fires.
- Additional tools or resources, with associated costs, needed to enhance the LAFD’s capability to manage EV fires.
- INSTRUCT the LAFD to report to Council with a training program that will help prepare LAFD personnel to handle EV fires. This report should also include response protocols for EV fires that may differ from internal combustion engine vehicle fire responses.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: Yes
Westside Neighborhood Council
| (3)
23-1445 |
CD 1 |
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a survey of Red Flag streets in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) communities in Council District One.
Recommendation for Council action:
NOTE and FILE the Los Angeles Fire Department report dated November 26, 2024, attached to the Council file, relative to a survey of Red Flag streets in VHFHSZ communities in Council District One.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Not applicable
Community Impact Statement: None submitted
| (4)
20-1375 |
ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the feasibility of the City independently joining the 30x30 Conservation campaign, and committing to conserving 30 percent of City land for open space and conservation.
Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Ryu, Koretz - Blumenfield):
INSTRUCT the Department of Recreation and Parks and Department of City Planning, in consultation with the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) and any other department as needed, to report on the feasibility of the City independently joining the 30x30 Conservation campaign, and committing to conserving 30 percent of the City’s land for open space and conservation.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: Yes
Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood
| (5)
15-0989-S47 |
PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to drafting an ordinance to exempt Olympic and Paralympic temporary and permanent venues, training facilities, security perimeters, broadcast and media centers, transit infrastructure, live sites and fan zones, and associated structures from the requirements of City Planning approvals, zoning regulations, and conditions, including but not limited to Conditional Use Permits and conditions tied to such permits, Site Plan Review requirements, height restrictions, setback requirements, limitations imposed by Specific Plans, and any other planning or zoning regulations that could delay or impede the rapid deployment and or use of essential facilities; and related matters.
Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Park - Nazarian), SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- AUTHORIZE and DIRECT the Department of City Planning (DCP), in coordination with the City Attorney, Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS), Department of Recreation and Parks, City Administrative Officer (CAO), Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), Office of Major Events, and other relevant departments, to prepare a report with recommendations, including budgetary/fiscal impacts, and an accompanying draft ordinance to exempt Olympic and Paralympic temporary and permanent venues, training facilities, security perimeters, broadcast and media centers, transit infrastructure, live sites and fan zones, and associated structures (2028 Games Projects) from the requirements of City Planning approvals, zoning regulations, and conditions, if applicable, including but not limited to Conditional Use Permits (CUPs) and conditions tied to such permits, Site Plan Review requirements, height restrictions, setback requirements, limitations imposed by Specific Plans, and any other planning or zoning regulations; but not to exempt 2028 Games Projects from mobility improvements required under Measure HLA (Section 85.11 of Division Q of Chapter VIII of the Los Angeles Municipal Code) that could delay or impede the rapid deployment and or use of essential facilities, with an option for the Council to exclude specifically-identified 2028 Games Projects from the ordinance. This does not apply to Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) 28 by 28 transportation light rail projects, which will follow the established Master Cooperative Agreement (MCA) review process adopted by Metro and the City in 2023.
- INSTRUCT the DCP to utilize the California Code of Regulations Title 14 Statutory Exemption Section 15272 - Olympic Games, as follows:
“California Environmental Quality Act does not apply to activities or approvals necessary to the bidding for, hosting or staging of, and funding or carrying out of, Olympic Games."
- INSTRUCT the LADBS to establish a dedicated unit to manage and expedite all development services related to the 2028 Games Projects and projects related to other major events. This unit shall coordinate all development-related services for 2028 Games projects, ensuring priority handling of all 2028 Games-related applications and projects to minimize delays and streamline the approval and construction process, providing a single point of contact, collaborating with other City departments, agencies, and external stakeholders to ensure that Olympic projects meet all requirements, tracking progress on 2028 Games Projects, and reporting to the Council and Mayor's Office on an ongoing basis to ensure that timelines are being met.
- APPROVE, with the concurrence of the Mayor, one exempt Resolution Authority enterprise-funded position of Deputy Superintendent of Building I at the LADBS to be used for the dedicated unit.
- INSTRUCT the DCP, and the other departments mentioned in Recommendation No. 1 above, to provide the following:
- A definition of temporary and permanent infrastructure.
- Qualifying criteria for each for fast tracking; and how to be informed of the fast tracking process; and notification to the impacted Council office(s).
- The creation of a process for fast tracking.
- INSTRUCT the DCP, and the other departments mentioned in Recommendation No. 1 above, to approve a permitting process for fast tracking; and describe the process.
- INSTRUCT the DCP, and the departments mentioned in Recommendation No. 1 above, to prepare the report with recommendations before the draft ordinance is prepared.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the CAO nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: Yes
North Westwood Neighborhood Council
Historic Cultural North Neighborhood Council
(Ad Hoc Committee on the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games waived consideration of the above matter)
| (6)
14-1174-S105 |
CD 14 |
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) and ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND JOBS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the appropriation of up to $102,841 plus $2,747 of earned taxable and tax-exempt interest for a combined total of $105,588 in Community Redevelopment Agency/Los Angeles (CRA/LA) Excess Non-Housing Bond Proceeds (EBP) from the Adelante Eastside Redevelopment Project Area (Taxable Series 2005-B, 2007-C, and Tax-Exempt Series 2009-D) for the La Guadalupe Commercial Improvement Project.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- ACKNOWLEDGE that based on the Letter of Determination approved by the Los Angeles City Planning Commission on March 26, 2019 (Case No. CPC-2018-998-DB-CU), the La Guadalupe Commercial Improvement Project (Project) which was assessed in the previously certified EIR, State Clearinghouse No. 1997061065, certified on September 17, 1998, does not require further California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) action; and, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Sections 15162 and 15164 and the Addendum, dated January 2019, no major revisions to the EIR are required and no subsequent EIR, or negative declaration is required for approval of the Project.
- APPROVE the recommendations as stated in the CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee report dated December 10, 2024, attached to Council file No. 14-1175-S105.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CRA/LA Bond Oversight Committee reports that there is no impact on the City’s General Fund from the proposed allocation of CRA/LA EBP. The EBP Fund No. 57D is funded solely from transfers of approximately $88.4 million in pre-2011 tax allocation bond proceeds from CRA/LA to the City (Council file Nos. 14-1174, 14-1174-S36, 14-1174-S78) plus interest. Said transfers have been deposited with the Controller.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted
| (7)
24-1448 |
CD 14 |
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to issuing a revocable permit to The Broad in the public right-of-way along portions of Hope Street, 2nd Street, and General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Way, corresponding to the pending vacation application for this site and prior to finalizing and recording of the vacation (VAC- E1401457).
Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (de Leon – Blumenfield):
AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Engineering to issue a revocable permit to The Broad, or designee, subject to satisfaction of the conditions for issuing such permit, to close, fence, occupy, demolish, excavate, and commence construction of permanent improvements in the public right-of-way along portions of Hope Street, 2nd Street, and General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Way, corresponding to the pending vacation application for this site and prior to finalizing and recording of the vacation (VAC- E1401457).
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted
| (8)
25-0073 |
PERSONNEL and HIRING COMMITTEE REPORT relative to payroll issues at the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) in connection with the Workday payroll system.
Recommendation for Council action, as initiated by Motion (McOsker – Hernandez), SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
- REQUEST the Mayor and Controller and INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer (CAO), Information Technology Agency, Personnel Department, and LAFD to establish a targeted task force to identify and expeditiously address LAFD sworn payroll issues that it’s are experiencing, specifically focused on identifying the necessary resources and technological fixes that may be necessary.
- APPROVE and INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to authorize substitute authority for nine positions in the LAFD comprised of the following:
- One Senior Personnel Analyst I
- Two Personnel Records Supervisors
- Five Senior Administrative Clerks
- Two Personnel Analysts
- Four Accounting Clerks
- One Systems Analyst
- INSTRUCT the CAO to identify funding for the nine substitute authority positions in a subsequent Financial Status Report.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that the General Fund impact of approving the proposed nine interim substitute authority positions for the remainder of 2024-25 is $236,571. Funding for these nine substitute authorities will be identified in a subsequent Financial Status Report. Should the Mayor and Council elect to continue these resources in 2025-26, the total cost is estimated to be $1.2 million, including $795,042 in direct salary costs and $422,565 in related costs. These funds would need to be identified as part of the 2025-26 budget development process.
Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the City’s Financial Policies only permit the consideration of expanded programs outside the annual budget development process in extreme circumstances. The addition of these nine substitute authority positions on an interim basis is necessary to address an urgent need in the LAFD, and is therefore considered an extreme circumstance in accordance with the City’s Financial Policies. The Financial Policies also require that changes to budget appropriations during the fiscal year shall be limited and subject to the review and approval of the Mayor and the City Council; salary funding for the nine positions will be provided as part of a subsequent Financial Status Report which shall require Council and Mayoral approval.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.