Please Note That This Agenda Includes a Call­-in Option for Public Comment. Public Comment Will Thus Be Taken Both In­-Person in the Council Chamber And Also via Teleconference. Instructions for the Public to Listen to and Offer Remote Public Comment at the Meeting Appear on Page 2 of this Agenda.
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    Friday, October 28, 2022

10:00 AM


Submit written comment at
President GILBERT A. CEDILLO, First District
PAUL KREKORIAN, Second District BOB BLUMENFIELD, Third District
  NITHYA RAMAN, Fourth District
President Pro Tempore PAUL KORETZ, Fifth District
MITCH O’FARRELL, Thirteenth District VACANT, Sixth District
  MONICA RODRIGUEZ, Seventh District
Assistant President Pro Tempore CURREN D. PRICE, JR., Ninth District
  MIKE BONIN, Eleventh District
  JOHN S. LEE, Twelfth District
  KEVIN DE LEÓN, Fourteenth District
  JOE BUSCAINO, Fifteenth District
The Council meetings will be broadcast live on Cable Television Channel 35, on the internet at, and on YouTube. The live audio of the hearing will be available via telephone at: (213) 621-CITY (Metro), (818) 904-9450 (Valley), (310) 471-CITY (Westside), and (310) 547-CITY (San Pedro Area). If the live video or audio is unavailable via one of these channels, members of the public should try another channel.
The City Council will take public comment from members of the public in the Council chamber and also by teleconference. Members of the public who wish to offer public comment to the Council via teleconference should call 1 669 254 5252 and use Meeting ID No. 160 535 8466 and then press # again when prompted for participant ID. Once admitted into the meeting, press *9 to request to speak. 

Please note that, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 200.123, proof of full Covid-19 vaccination or of a negative Covid-19 test within the prior 72 hours will be required to enter the City Hall building for any purpose. Proof of a negative test requires a printed document, email, or text message displayed on a phone from a test provider or laboratory showing the results of a PCR or antigen Covid-19 test. Written public comment may be submitted at
Requests for reasonable modification or accommodation from individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act can be made by contacting the City Clerk's Office at (213) 978-1133. For Telecommunication Relay Services for the hearing impaired, please see the information below.
Telecommunication Relay Services
Telephone communication is one of the most important forms of communication in society today. Due to advancements in technology, telephone devices have evolved with new services and capabilities. Individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing, and individuals with a speech disability are following these trends and are rapidly migrating to more advanced telecommunications methods, both for peer-to-peer and third-party telecommunications relay service (TRS) communications. Telecommunications Relay Service is a telephone service that allows persons with hearing or speech disabilities to place and receive telephone calls. TRS is available in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories for local and/or long distance calls. TRS providers - generally telephone companies - are compensated for the costs of providing TRS from either a state or a federal fund. There is no cost to the TRS user.
What forms of TRS are available? There are several forms of TRS, depending on the particular needs of the user and the equipment available: TRS includes: Text to Voice TIY-Based TRS; Speech-to-Speech Relay Service; Shared Non-English Language Relay Service; Captioned Telephone Relay Service; Internet Protocol Relay Service; and Video Relay Service. Please visit this site for detail descriptions,
Don't hang up! Some people hang up on TRS calls because they think the CA is a telemarketer. If you hear, "Hello. This is the relay service .. . " when you pick up the phone, please don't hang up! You are about to talk, through a TRS provider, to a person who is deaf, hard-of-hearing, or has a speech disability.
For more information about FCC programs to promote access to telecommunications services for people with disabilities, visit the FCC's Disability Rights Office website.
AGENDAS - The City Council meets Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 A.M. The agendas for City Council meetings contain a brief general description of those items to be considered at the meetings. Council Agendas are available in the Office of the City Clerk, Council and Public Services Division, Room 395, City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, and on the City's website at; or
Ten (10) members of the Council constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Council may consider an item not listed on the agenda only if it is determined by a two-thirds (10) vote that the need for action arose after the posting of an Agenda. Some items on the agenda may be approved without any discussion, however, any item may be called "special" by a Councilmember. If an item is called "special" it will be "held" until the remainder of the items on the Council agenda have been acted on by the Council. An item may also be called "special" if a member of the public has requested to speak on the item and a public hearing was not previously held.
The City Clerk will announce the items to be considered by the Council, however items will be grouped. For example, all items for which required public hearings have not previously been held are listed in one section on the printed agenda. The Council President will ask if any Councilmember or member or the public wishes to speak on one or more of these items. If anyone wishes to speak on an item, it will be called "special". The remaining items in this section will be voted on by Council with one roll call vote.
PUBLIC INPUT AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS - An opportunity for the public to address the Council on agenda items for which public hearings have not been held will be provided at the time the item is considered or during the Multiple Agenda Item Comment period. Members of the public who wish to speak on items shall be allowed to speak for up to one minute per item up to a total of three minutes per meeting. The Council has determined that a cumulative total of 20 minutes is a reasonable minimum amount of time for the Multiple Agenda Item segment of each regular meeting.
The Council will also provide an opportunity for the public to speak on public interest items. Each speaker shall be limited to one minute of general public comment each regular meeting for a cumulative total of ten (10) minutes. The Council shall not discuss or take action relative to any general public comment.
If you wish to provide documents to the full Council for consideration on an item, please present the Sergeant-At-Arms with 35 copies. Otherwise, your materials will simply be added to the official record.
COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND TIME LIMITS - Councilmembers requesting to address the Council will be recognized by the Council President in the order requested. For any item, the Chairperson of the Committee, or the maker of the original motion, or the member calling a matter "special" shall have up to six (6) minutes to discuss the item. All other Councilmembers may speak up to three (3) minutes each on the matter. After all members desiring to speak on a question have had an opportunity to be heard once, the time for each Member desiring to speak again shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes.
A motion calling the "previous question" may be introduced by any member during a Council debate. If adopted, this motion will terminate debate on a matter and the Chair will instruct the Clerk to call the roll on the matter.
VOTING AND DISPOSITION OF ITEMS - Most items require a majority vote of the entire membership of the Council (8 members). Items which have not been discussed in a Council Committee and have been placed directly on the agenda will require 10 votes to consider. Once considered, these items will normally require eight (8) affirmative votes to be adopted. Ordinances require a unanimous vote (at least 12 members must be present) in order to be adopted on first consideration. If an ordinance does not receive the necessary unanimous vote, it is laid over one calendar week. The votes required for approval on second consideration vary and depend upon the type of ordinance, but a typical ordinance requires eight (8) affirmative votes upon second consideration.
NOTICE TO PAID REPRESENTATIVES - If you are compensated to monitor, attend, or speak at this meeting, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. See Los Angeles Municipal Code 48.01 et seq. More information is available at For assistance, please contact the Ethics Commission at (213) 978-1960 or [email protected].
COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND TIME LIMITS - Councilmembers requesting to address the Council will be recognized by the Council President in the order requested. For any item, the Chairperson of the Committee, or the maker of the original motion, or the member calling a matter "special" shall have up to six (6) minutes to discuss the item. All other Councilmembers may speak up to three (3) minutes each on the matter. After all members desiring to speak on a question have had an opportunity to be heard once, the time for each Member desiring to speak again shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes.
A motion calling the "previous question" may be introduced by any member during a Council debate. If adopted, this motion will terminate debate on a matter and the Chair will instruct the Clerk to call the roll on the matter.
VOTING AND DISPOSITION OF ITEMS - Most items require a majority vote of the entire membership of the Council (8 members). Items which have not been discussed in a Council Committee and have been placed directly on the agenda will require 10 votes to consider. Once considered, these items will normally require eight (8) affirmative votes to be adopted. Ordinances require a unanimous vote (at least 12 members must be present) in order to be adopted on first consideration. If an ordinance does not receive the necessary unanimous vote, it is laid over one calendar week. The votes required for approval on second consideration vary and depend upon the type of ordinance, but a typical ordinance requires eight (8) affirmative votes upon second consideration.
When debate on an item is completed, the Chair will instruct the Clerk to "call the roll". Every member present must vote for or against each item; abstentions are not permitted. The Clerk will announce the votes on each item. Any member of Council may move to "reconsider" any vote on any item on the agenda, except to adjourn, suspend the Rules, or where an intervening event has deprived the Council of jurisdiction, providing that said member originally voted on the prevailing side of the item. The motion to "reconsider" shall only be in order once during the meeting, and once during the next regular meeting. The member requesting reconsideration shall identify for all members present the agenda number, Council file number and subject matter previously voted upon. A motion to reconsider is not debatable and shall require an affirmative vote of eight (8) members of the Council.
When the Council has failed by sufficient votes to approve or reject an item, and has not lost jurisdiction over the matter, or has not caused it to be continued beyond the next regular meeting, the item is continued to the next regular meeting for the purpose of allowing the Council to again vote on the matter.
The City Council rules provide that all items adopted by the Council will not be presented to the Mayor, or other designated officer by the City Clerk until the adjournment of the regular Council meeting following the date of the Council action. A motion to send an item "forthwith" if adopted by ten (10) votes, suspends these rules and requires the City Clerk to forward the matter to the Mayor, or other officer, without delay.
When debate on an item is completed, the Chair will instruct the Clerk to "call the roll". Every member present must vote for or against each item; abstentions are not permitted. The Clerk will announce the votes on each item. Any member of Council may move to "reconsider" any vote on any item on the agenda, except to adjourn, suspend the Rules, or where an intervening event has deprived the Council of jurisdiction, providing that said member originally voted on the prevailing side of the item. The motion to "reconsider" shall only be in order once during the meeting, and once during the next regular meeting. The member requesting reconsideration shall identify for all members present the agenda number, Council file number and subject matter previously voted upon. A motion to reconsider is not debatable and shall require an affirmative vote of eight (8) members of the Council.
When the Council has failed by sufficient votes to approve or reject an item, and has not lost jurisdiction over the matter, or has not caused it to be continued beyond the next regular meeting, the item is continued to the next regular meeting for the purpose of allowing the Council to again vote on the matter.
The City Council rules provide that all items adopted by the Council will not be presented to the Mayor, or other designated officer by the City Clerk until the adjournment of the regular Council meeting following the date of the Council action. A motion to send an item "forthwith" if adopted by ten (10) votes, suspends these rules and requires the City Clerk to forward the matter to the Mayor, or other officer, without delay.
RULE 16 MOTIONS - Council Rule No. 16, in part, allows a member to send an item directly to the Council without it having to go to a Council Committee first, by giving the City Clerk a motion (seconded by an additional member) during a Council session to be placed on the next regular available Council agenda.

Los Angeles City Council Agenda

Friday, October 28, 2022


Roll Call

Approval of the Minutes

Commendatory Resolutions, Introductions and Presentations

Multiple Agenda Item Comment

Public Testimony of Non-agenda Items Within Jurisdiction of Council

Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held

CD 5
Related to Council file Nos. 22-0922-S1 and 22-0922-S2

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. FIND, based on the independent judgment of the decision-maker, after consideration of the whole of the administrative record, the project was assessed in the 656 South San Vicente Medical Office Project EIR, which includes the Draft EIR, ENV-2017-468-EIR, State Clearinghouse (SCH) No. 2020010172, dated June 2021, the Final EIR, dated January 2022, and the Erratum dated February 2022; and pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Sections 15162 and 15164, no subsequent EIR or Addendum is required for approval of the project.
  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) as the Findings of Council.
  3. ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION, as recommended by the Mayor and the LACPC, APPROVING a GPA to the Wilshire Community Plan to change the land use designation from Limited Commercial to Regional Center Commercial.
  4. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated June 23, 2022, to effectuate a Vesting Zone Change and Height District Change from C1-1VL-O to (T)(Q)C2-2D-O to allow for a Floor Area Ratio of up to 4:5:1, and up to a 20 percent reduction in vehicle parking, for the development of 140,305 square feet of medical office space, 4,000 square feet of restaurant, and 1,000 square feet for retail, such as a pharmacy, on a 0.74-net acre site, the project site is currently improved with two buildings and associated surface parking, which would be demolished, the proposed uses would be built within a 12-story building that includes ground floor lobby and commercial space, four levels of above-ground podium parking, and seven levels of medical office uses for the property located at 650 – 676 South San Vicente Boulevard, subject to Conditions of Approval.
  5. INSTRUCT the Department of City Planning to update the General Plan and appropriate maps pursuant to this action.
  6. ADVISE the applicant, pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 12.32 G: shall not remain in a Q Qualified classification for more than six years unless during that time: (1) there is substantial physical development of the property to allow for one or more of the uses for which the Q Qualified classification was adopted; or (2) if no physical development is necessary, then the property is used for one or more of the purposes for which the Q Qualified classification was adopted... When these time limitations expire, the Q Qualified classification and the authority contained therein shall become null and void, the rezoning proceedings shall be terminated, and the property thereafter may only be utilized for those purposes permitted prior to the commencement of such rezoning proceedings..
  7. ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to California State Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the City shall monitor or require evidence that mitigation conditions are implemented and maintained throughout the life of the project and the City may require any necessary fees to cover the cost of such monitoring.
  8. ADVISE the applicant that, pursuant to State Fish and Game Code Section 711.4, a Fish and Game Fee and/or Certificate of Fee Exemption is now required to be submitted to the County Clerk prior to or concurrent with the Environmental Notice of Determination filing.

Applicant: 650 – 676 SSV Property Owner, LLC and 650 SSV Property Owner, LLC

Representative: Sheri Bonstelle, JMBM, LLP

Case No. CPC-2017-467-GPA-VZC-HD-SPR

Environmental No. ENV-2017-468-EIR; SCH No. 2020010172

Related Case: VTT-74865-2A


Fiscal Impact Statement: The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted


(Continued from Council meeting of October 11, 2022.)

CD 5
Related to Council file Nos. 22-0922 and 22-0922-S2

Recommendations for Council action:
  1. FIND, based on the independent judgment of the decision-maker, after consideration of the whole of the administrative record, the project was assessed in the 656 South San Vicente Medical Office Project EIR, which includes the Draft EIR, ENV-2017-468-EIR, State Clearinghouse (SCH) No. 2020010172, dated June 2021, the Final EIR, dated January 2022, and the Erratum dated February 2022; and pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Sections 15162 and 15164, no subsequent EIR or Addendum is required for approval of the project.
  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) as the Findings of Council.
  3. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEALS filed by 1) Supporters Alliance for Environmental Responsibility (SAFER) (Representative: Richard Drury, Lozeau Drury LLP); and 2) Beverly Wilshire Homes Association, Inc. (Representative: Jamie T. Hall, Channel Law Group, LLP), and THEREBY SUSTAIN the determination of the LACPC in approving a Site Plan Review for a project resulting in an increase of more than 50,000 square feet of nonresidential floor area for the development of 140,305 square feet of medical office space, 4,000 square feet of restaurant, and 1,000 square feet for retail, such as a pharmacy, on a 0.74-net acre site, the project site is currently improved with two buildings and associated surface parking, which would be demolished, the proposed uses would be built within a 12-story building that includes ground floor lobby and commercial space, four levels of above-ground podium parking, and seven levels of medical office uses; for the property located at 650 – 676 South San Vicente Boulevard, subject to Conditions of Approval.

Applicant: 650 – 676 SSV Property Owner, LLC and 650 SSV Property Owner, LLC

Representative: Sheri Bonstelle, JMBM, LLP

Case No. CPC-2017-467-GPA-VZC-HD-SPR-1A

Environmental No. ENV-2017-468-EIR; SCH No. No. 2020010172

Related Case: VTT-74865-2A


Fiscal Impact Statement: The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted


(Continued from Council meeting of October 11, 2022.)

CD 5
Related to Council file Nos. 22-0922 and 22-0922-S1

Recommendations for Council action:​

  1. FIND, that the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Draft EIR, No. ENV-2017-468-EIR, State Clearinghouse (SCH) No. 2020010172, dated June 2021, the Final EIR, dated January 2022, and the Erratum dated February 2022 (656 South San Vicente Medical Office Project EIR); as well as the whole administrative record.
  2. CERTIFY the following:
    1. The 656 South San Vicente Medical Office Project EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA.
    2. The 656 South San Vicente Medical Office Project EIR was presented to the Advisory Agency as a decision-making body of the lead agency.
    3. The 656 South San Vicente Medical Office Project EIR reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the lead agency.
  3. ADOPT the following:
    1.  The related and prepared 656 South San Vicente Medical Office Project EIR Environmental Findings
    2.  The Statement of Overriding Considerations.
    3. The Mitigation Monitoring Program prepared for the 656 South San Vicente Medical Office Project EIR
  4. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the LACPC as the Findings of Council.
  5. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEALS filed by 1) Supporters Alliance for Environmental Responsibility (SAFER) (Representative: Richard Drury, Lozeau Drury LLP); and 2) Beverly Wilshire Homes Association, Inc. (Representative: Jamie T. Hall, Channel Law Group, LLP), and THEREBY SUSTAIN the decision of the LACPC in sustaining the Deputy Advisory Agency's determination in certifying the 656 South San Vicente Medical Office Project EIR Environmental Findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and the Mitigation Monitoring Program prepared for the 656 South San Vicente Medical Office Project EIR; and approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 74865 for the merger of seven lots into one ground lot for a 0.74 net acre (32,290 square-foot) site, and a Haul Route for the export of up to 12,222 cubic yards of soil, pursuant to Sections 17.03 and 17.15 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code; for the property located at 650 – 676 South San Vicente Boulevard, subject to Conditions of Approval.

Applicant: 650 – 676 SSV Property Owner, LLC and 650 SSV Property Owner, LLC

Representative: Sheri Bonstelle, JMBM, LLP

Case No. VTT-74865-2A

Environmental No. ENV-2017-468-EIR; SCH No. 2020010172

Related Case: CPC-2017-467-GPA-VZC-HD-SPR


Fiscal Impact Statement: The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted






(Continued from Council meeting of October 11, 2022.)

CD 9
CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the inclusion of Fire Station No. 14, located at 3401 South Central Avenue, in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments.

Recommendations for Council action:

  1. DETERMINE that the proposed designation is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Article 19, Section 15308, Class 8 and Article 19, Section 15331, Class 31 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
  2. DETERMINE that the subject property conforms with the definition of a Monument pursuant to Section 22.171.7 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code.
  3. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Cultural Heritage Commission (CHC) as the Findings of Council.
  4. APPROVE the recommendations of the CHC relative to the inclusion of Fire Station No. 14, located at 3401 South Central Avenue, in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments.
Applicant: Teresa Grimes, Teresa Grimes Historic Preservation

Owner: City of Los Angeles

Case No. CHC-2021-6169-HCM

Environmental No. ENV-2021-6170-CE


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the CHC. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.

CD 1
CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the inclusion of Bank of America – Chinatown Branch, located at 842-858 North Broadway Avenue, 222 West College Street, and 833-839 North New High Street, in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments.

Recommendations for Council action:

  1. DETERMINE that the proposed designation is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Article 19, Section 15308, Class 8 and Article 19, Section 15331, Class 31 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
  2. DETERMINE that the subject property conforms with the definition of a Monument pursuant to Section 22.171.7 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code.
  3. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Cultural Heritage Commission (CHC) as the Findings of Council.
  4. APPROVE the recommendations of the CHC relative to the inclusion of Bank of America – Chinatown Branch, located at 842-858 North Broadway Avenue, 222 West College Street, and 833-839 North New High Street, in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments.
Applicant: Adrian Scott Fine, Los Angeles Conservancy

Owner: Bank of America c/o Corporate Real Estate Assessment

Case No. CHC-2021-6155-HCM

Environmental No. ENV-2021-6156-CE


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the CHC. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.

CD 4
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) appeal filed by the Bronholly and Carolus Residents Coalition, for the Project located at 2669 North Bronholly Drive.

Recommendations for Council action:

  1. GRANT the appeal by the Bronholly and Carolus Residents Coalition submitted on April 28, 2022 for the project located at 2669 North Bronholly Drive.
  2. DETERMINE based on the whole of the administrative record, that the record does not support a finding that no reasonable possibility exists that the Project will not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances as required by CEQA Guideline section 15300.2(c). In particular, because no biologist’s report was submitted by the Applicant, no evidence exists in the record of the Project’s impacts to protected trees or protected wildlife that may be impacted by the Project. As a result, insufficient record evidence exists to support a finding that either categorical exemption identified by the Notice of Exemption (NOE) applies.
  3. RESCIND the NOE.
  4. DIRECT the permit application be returned to Bureau of Street Services (BSS) for further consideration consistent with the BSS report dated September 15, 2022, attached to the Council file, and the Council’s determination.
  5. RESCIND the CEQA determination due to the Applicant's withdrawal of the Project because a CEQA determination must be connected to a specific project.


Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the BSS. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: Yes

For: Hollywood United Neighborhood Council

CD 14
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to including multiple events to the List of Citywide Special Events for Council District 14.

Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (de Leon - Hutt):

INSTRUCT the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) to include: "Las Mananitas," "Sixth Street Viaduct Annual Celebration," "CicLAvia," "Civic Center Farmers Market," "DTLA 4th of July Block Party," "Boyle Heights Orgullo Fest," "Parol Lantern Festival," and "Dia de Los Muertos" to the List of Citywide Special Events for Council District 14.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted

CD 3
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to changing the name of Linnet Street from Crebs Avenue to Yolanda Avenue to “Bill Lambert Way.”

Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Blumenfield - Buscaino):

AMEND the Council Action of June 10, 2022, relative to designating a segment of Linnet Street as “Bill Lambert Way” to also instruct the City Engineer to initiate the process of changing the name of Linnet Street from Crebs Avenue to Yolanda Avenue to “Bill Lambert Way.”


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted

CD 9
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to temporarily closing the alley adjacent to 904 East 73rd Street, southerly of East 73rd and East 74th Street.

Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Price - Hutt):

INSTRUCT the City Engineer to report with recommendations to temporarily close the alley adjacent to 904 East 73rd Street, southerly of East 73rd and East 74th Street, pursuant to State Vehicle Code Section 21101.4.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to accepting three California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Clean California Local Grant Program (CCLGP) awards.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director and General Manager, Bureau of Street Services (BSS), or designee, to accept the awards totaling $14,971,180 from Caltrans CCLGP to fund the Creating Urban Habitat and Biodiversity through Median Greening, Hollenbeck Park Adjacent and I-5 Freeway Adjacent Beautification, and Martin Luther King Jr Blvd: Equity & Connectivity through Greening Projects.
  2. AUTHORIZE the BSS to negotiate and execute three Restricted Grant Agreements and any amendments thereto with Caltrans, as may be necessary to claim grant funds.
  3. AUTHORIZE the BSS to execute any necessary funding and contractual documents, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, towards the completion of each grant’s scope.
  4. AUTHORIZE the Board of Public Works - Office of Accounting and City Controller to establish three new accounts within the Capital Improvement Expenditure Program (CIEP) entitled:
    1. “Clean CA – Creating Urban Habitat and Biodiversity through Median Greening Project” in the amount of $4,978,000
    2. “Clean CA – Hollenbeck Park Adjacent and I-5 Freeway Adjacent Beautification Project” in the amount of $4,993,180
    3. “Clean CA – Martin Luther King Jr Blvd: Equity & Connectivity through Greening” in the amount of $5,000,000.
  5. AUTHORIZE the BSS to deposit grant funds into the corresponding CIEP accounts and request reimbursements through various Construction Project Reports for expenditures directly related to work on these projects.
  6. ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION authorizing the BSS to accept the aforementioned grant funds and execute all Restricted Grant Agreements and any amendments thereto with Caltrans.
  7. AUTHORIZE the BSS to make any technical adjustments as necessary to effectuate the intent of the Mayor and Council on this matter.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The BSS reports that there is no impact to the General Fund if the grant is accepted. Grant funds will be disbursed to the City on a reimbursement basis and the BSS will frontfund costs utilizing its existing annual Prop C appropriation.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to releasing the proposed Request for Qualifications for public right of way beautification services.

Recommendation for Council action:

NOTE and FILE the City Administrative Officer report dated September 28, 2022 relative to releasing the proposed Request for Qualifications for public right of way beautification services.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Not applicable


Community Impact Statement: None submitted

CD 14
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to restoring the segment of Broadway near 3660 and 3830 North Broadway to a proper condition.

Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (de Leon - Blumenfield):

  1. INSTRUCT the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) and Bureau of Street Services (BSS), with the assistance of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, to report with a plan and timeline for restoring the segment of Broadway near 3660 and 3830 North Broadway to a proper condition in a timely manner.
  2. INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer (CAO), with the assistance of the BOE and BSS, to identify funding to restore this segment of Broadway.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the CAO nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to requiring Portable Audiovisual Rigging work, associated with a Special Event Permit issued by the Department of Public Works (DPW) to be performed only by workers with a valid rigger's certification issued by the Entertainment Technician Certificate Program.

Recommendations for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Koretz - Cedillo):

  1. REQUEST the City Attorney to prepare and present an ordinance that would require Portable Audiovisual Rigging work, including work done by Arena Riggers, Theatre Riggers, Entertainment Electricians, and Portable Power Distribution Technicians, associated with a Special Event Permit issued by the DPW to be performed only by workers with a valid rigger's certification issued by the Entertainment Technician Certificate Program.
  2. REQUEST the Department of Recreation and Parks to adopt a policy consistent with this Motion for events taking place on City park property.


Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted

CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (CEDILLO – DE LEÓN) relative to instructing the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) to review and report on proposed changes to the State of California Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program Round 7 Draft Guidelines (Draft Guidelines) prior to the public comment deadline; Chief Legislative Analyst report relative to the City comments on the Draft Guidelines proposed by the LAHD; and, Resolution formalizing the City’s position on the Draft Guidelines.

(Housing Committee report to be submitted in Council. If public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)

(Click on for background documents.)

Community Impact Statement: None submitted


Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER (LADWP) relative to salary setting relative to the establishment of salaries for the newly established civil service classification series for Utility Line Clearance Tree Trimmer (ULCTT).

Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the proposed salaries for the ULCTT series, as detailed in the September 2, 2022 LADWP report, attached to the Council file. This request is consistent with the recommendation received by the Executive Employee Relations Committee at its meeting on August 2, 2022.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADWP reports that the addition of the new class series is imperative in order to provide specific experience, knowledge, and skills to facilitate the LADWP’s ability to meet the Power System’s current and future critical staffing needs relative to tree trimming/line clearance near power lines, and at high elevations.  There is no fiscal impact to the City’s General Fund, as all funds are budgeted under LADWP.  The LADWP already has budgeted funds to cover the current Tree Surgeon series in the LADWP labor costs for the 2021-22 fiscal year budget.  There are currently 16 Tree Surgeon Assistants in the class series.  The annual fiscal impact is $244,212.48.  There are currently three Street Tree Superintendents with an annual fiscal impact of $41,906.16 for a total fiscal impact for all the salary changes of $286,118.64 annually.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee waived consideration of the above matter.)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER (LADWP) relative to salary setting for Protective Coating Supervisor (PCS), Class Code 3465, and proposed new Duties Description Record (DDR) for Protective Coating Worker “A” (PCW), Class Code 3463.

Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the proposed salaries for the PCW and PCS classes, as detailed in the September 2, 2022 LADWP report, attached to the Council file. This request is consistent with the recommendation received by the Executive Employee Relations Committee at its meeting on August 2, 2022.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADWP reports that there is no fiscal impact to the City’s General Fund, as all funds are budgeted under LADWP.  There is only one PCS incumbent impacted by the salary increase; and only one PCW ’A’ would be needed initially; once the new Lead PCW DDR is established.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee waived consideration of the above matter.)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE BOARD OF WATER AND POWER COMMISSIONERS (BOARD) relative to the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Management Employees Unit represented by the Management Employees Association for the term of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2025.

Recommendation for Council action:

CONCUR with the Board’s October 11, 2022 action (Resolution 023 058) approving the MOU for the Management Employees Unit represented by the Management Employees Association for the term January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2025.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board reports that the average year over year financial impact associated with the proposed contract ranges from approximately $3.7 million to $6.7 million.  Assumptions are based on Cost-of-Living Adjustments floor of 2.5 percent and ceiling of 5.5 percent, which are based on Consumer Price Index), salary adjustments, and other identified miscellaneous new MOU provisions.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee waived consideration of the above matter.)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER (LADWP) relative to salary setting for the transition of the Line Maintenance Assistant (LMA) classification, Class Code 3882, to a 5.30 temporary training program.

Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the proposed salaries for the LMA 5.30 training program. This request is consistent with the recommendation received by the Executive Employee Relations Committee at its meeting on August 2, 2022.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADWP reports that there is no fiscal impact to the City’s General Fund, as all funds are budgeted under the LADWP. The LADWP already has budgeted funds to cover the current LMAs in the LADWP’s labor costs for the 2021-2022 fiscal year budget. The LADWP currently has 29 incumbents in the class of LMA. The annual fiscal impact would be $655,778.16.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Personnel, Audits, and Animal Welfare Committee waived consideration of the above matter.)

CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (RAMAN - BONIN) relative to the Ad Hoc Committee on City Governance Reform.

Recommendation for Council action:
CONVENE a new Ad Hoc Committee on City Governance Reform, which will be charged with implementing reforms to increase transparency, limit corruption, and make City leadership more representative of our communities with the aim of restoring the faith of the people of Los Angeles in their city government.


Community Impact Statement: Yes

Echo Park Neighborhood Council
NoHo Neighborhood Council
Reseda Neighborhood Council
Silver Lake Neighborhood Council
Harbor Gateway North Neighborhood Council


(Rules Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee waived consideration of the above matter)

CDs 3, 4, 6
COMMUNICATION FROM THE CHAIR, ARTS, PARKS, HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND NEIGHBORHOODS COMMITTEE and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to the opening, establishment, and maintenance of a public bikeway and pedestrian path in and through park land located in Reseda Park, under the control and jurisdiction of the Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners (Board).

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated August 22, 2022, attached to the Council file, approving the opening, establishment, and maintenance of a public bikeway and pedestrian path in and through park land located in Reseda Park, under the control and jurisdiction of the Board.
  2. APPROVE a Grant of Right, by Ordinance, to the Department of Public Works (DPW), Bureau of Engineering (BOE) for the use of the subject portion of Reseda Park for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a public bikeway and pedestrian path.
  3. REQUEST the City Attorney, and DIRECT the BOE to assist in the drafting, processing, and execution of all ordinances and other documentation necessary to grant and record the Grant of Right to the DPW; and as further detailed in the August 8, 2022, Board report, Report No. 22-161, attached to the Council file.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board reports that the approval of the proposed Grant of Right will have no fiscal impact on the Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) General Fund as DPW will bear all costs associated with this action. The costs for the design, development, and construction of the proposed project will be funded by funding sources other than the RAP's General Fund.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted


(Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee waived consideration of above matter)

CD 10
MOTION (HUTT - O’FARRELL) relative to funding for the temporary closure of City parking lot No. 625 located at 4305 Degnan Boulevard.

Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

TRANSFER and APPROPRIATE $375 the Council District 10 portion of the Special Events Fee subsidy line item in the General City Purposes Fund No. 100/56 to Fund 363, Department Revenue 4934OT; and, DIRECT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation to close City parking lot no. 625 on October 14, 2022 during the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (or any other date and time to which this activity may need to be rescheduled).  

CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (PRICE – HARRIS-DAWSON) relative to the legality of the Controller's action to withhold salary payments to Councilman Mark Ridley- Thomas.

Recommendation for Council action:

REQUEST the City Attorney to report within ten days on the legality of the Controller's action to withhold salary payments to Councilman Mark Ridley- Thomas in the wake of his suspension by the City Council pending the resolution of litigation brought against him by federal authorities.

[The City Council may recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), to confer with its legal counsel relative to the case entitled Mark Ridley-Thomas v. Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin et al., Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 22STCV24328. (This matter concerns the Controller’s decision to terminate Mr. Ridley-Thomas pay and benefits following the City Council’s suspending Mr. Ridley-Thomas upon his indictment on federal corruption charges.)]


Community Impact Statement: None submitted


(Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee waived consideration of the above matter)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (CAO) relative to proposed First Amendment to Contract No. C-139579 with Blue Systems, Inc. (Blue Systems) for continued provision of a data analytics platform for monitoring dockless providers through December 31, 2023. 

Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the proposed First Amendment to Contract No. C-139579 with Blue Systems for continued provision of a data analytics platform for monitoring dockless providers through December 31, 2023; and, AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Los Angeles Department of Transportation to execute said amendment. 


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no General Fund impact.  The City Parking Permit Program Revenue Fund will support this contract amendment. The recommendation complies with City Financial Policies as sufficient funds exist to support the proposed expenditures. 


Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the above recommendation complies with City Financial Policies as sufficient funds exist to support the proposed expenditures. 


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.






(Transportation Committee waived consideration of the above matter.)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (CAO) relative to proposed Fourth Amendment to Contract No. C-128057 with AAMCOM, LLC (AAMCOM) for the continued management of the Cityride Paratransit Program Coordinator and Transit Technology Service.

Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the proposed Fourth amendment to Contract C-128057 with AAMCOM for continued management of the Cityride Paratransit Program and Transit Technology Service through August 31, 2023; and, AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Los Angeles Department of Transportation to execute said amendment.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no General Fund impact.  Sufficient funds exist within the City Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund 2022-23 Adopted Budget to support this contract amendment. 


Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the above recommendation complies with City Financial Policies as sufficient appropriated funds exist to support the proposed expenditures. 


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.






(Transportation Committee waived consideration of the above matter.)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ADMNISTRATIVE OFFICER (CAO) relative to proposed Fourth Amendment to Contract No. C-133416 with Connixt, Inc. (Connixt) for mobile application support for Mobile Inspection Forms for Signals Inspections and Repair.

Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the Fourth Amendment to Contract C-133416 with Connixt to extend the term for a fourth year to July 2, 2023 for mobile application support for Mobile Inspection Forms for Signals Inspections and Repair; and, AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Los Angeles Department of Transportation to execute said amendment. 


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that no General Fund impact. Sufficient funds exist within the Proposition C Fund to support this contract amendment. 


Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the recommendation contained in the September 7, 2022 CAO report, attached to the Council File, complies with City Financial Policies as sufficient appropriated funds exist to support the proposed expenditures. 


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.






(Transportation Committee waived consideration of the above matter.)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (CAO) relative to proposed Second Amendment to Contract No. C-127106 with IBI Group for on-call consulting services in parking, transit, transportation, and urban planning and design.

Recommendation for Council action:

AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), or designee, to execute a Second Amendment to the contract with IBI Group (Contract No. C-127106) for on-call consultant services in the areas of parking operations and facilities, transit services, transportation planning and safety education, and urban planning and design in order to:

  1. Extend the contract term retroactively by four years through February 23, 2024 for a total contract term of eight years.
  2. Update the City’s representative at LADOT in the Contract.
  3. Update the Standard Provisions for City Contracts (revised October 2021).


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that approval of the recommendation contained in the October 6, 2022 CAO report, attached to the Council File, will have no fiscal impact.  No funding is provided directly for on-call contracts.  The LADOT states that funding for the contract work that has been completed and invoiced to the Department on the current open Task Order with IBI Group will be paid from 2016-17 Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund appropriations and 2022-23 General Fund appropriations.  The LADOT states that additional work in the Task Order will be paid from anticipated Special Fund revenues.  The continued operation of the Taxicab, Ambulance, Vehicle for Hire Information System (TAVIS) enables LADOT to collect revenues for services provided by the Department which has a positive impact on the General Fund. Should the recommendation in this Report not be approved, the pending necessary enhancements and updates to TAVIS would not occur, potentially causing delays in the collection of General Fund revenue for services.


Financial Policies Statement:

The CAO reports that the recommendation contained in the October 6, 2022 CAO report, attached to the Council File, complies with the City’s Financial Policies in that no funding is provided directly for the on-call contract with IBI Group and funding for Task Orders for on-call contractors is identified from available funds as needed.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Transportation Committee waived consideration of the above matter.)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ADMNIISTRATIVE OFFICER (CAO) relative to proposed Third Amendment to Contract No. C-127166 with Alexandra Rudoff dba. Xany IT (Xany IT) to extend the term of the contract from February 23, 2021 to August 22, 2022.

Recommendation for Council action:

AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), or designee, to execute the Third Amendment to Contract No. C-127166) with Alexandra Rudoff dba Xany IT to extend the term of the contract from August 22, 2022 to February 22, 2024 to allow the contractor to complete the active task and change orders with the same terms and conditions as the original contract.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no General Fund Impact.  Funding for the active Task Order is encumbered and completion of the current scope can be achieved within the current Task Order budget.


Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the recommendation contained in the September 30, 2022 CAO report, attahed to the Council File, complies with the City Financial Policies in that the City’s financial obligation is limited to funds budgeted for this purpose according to the City’s Standard Provisions.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.






(Transportation Committee waived consideration of the above matter.)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (CAO) relative to the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) Transportation Grant Fund Report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23.

Reccomendations for Concil action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. AUTHORIZE the Controller to establish new appropriations in the amount of $25,241,727 (as of September 14, 2022) within the Transportation Grant (TG) Fund No. 655 for the projects and amounts listed in Attachment 1 of the October 11, 2022 CAO Report, attached to the Council File.
  2. AUTHORIZE a total increase of $14,615,783 as of September 14, 2022 in appropriations within the TG Fund No. 655 for six existing projects with the amounts listed in Attachment 2 of the October 11, 2022 CAO report, attached to the Council File.
  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT to:
    1. Receive grant funds to reimburse the TG Fund No. 655 for expenditures made directly from the TG Fund.
    2.  Reimburse the General Fund on an annual basis for its costs associated with Fringe Benefits, Central Services, and Department Administration using proceeds that the LADOT has collected from granters.
    3. Reimburse the Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Fund No. 540 on an annual basis for its cost associated with the City staff salaries, overtime, compensated time off, and any other expenditures directly incurred by the Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Fund No. 540 and associated with grant projects.
    4. Increase appropriations within the TG Fund No. 655 by up to 25 percent of any project budget listed in the Attachments 1 and 2 of the October 11, 2022 CAO report, attached to the Council File, or any other project accounts, not to exceed $100,000, provided that the proposed increase is reimbursable through a grant award and subject to the review and approval of the CAO.
    5. Make any technical adjustments as necessary and consistent with Mayor and City Council actions on administrative and technical matters, subject to the approval of the CAO, and request the Controller to implement these instructions.
  4. DIRECT the LADOT to decrease and/or close out project appropriations for completed projects that have been accepted by the Board of Public Works, projects where the City Council has made a determination to cancel the project, and/or projects wherein the grant funding has lapsed or has been deobligated.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no General Fund impact.  The Transportation Grant (TG) Fund is a revolving account established to receive grant reimbursements for transportation grant funded programs.  A total of $29 million in new grants was awarded to the City, of which $25.2 million requires the establishment of new appropriations in the TG Fund.  In addition, the LADOT is requesting to increase existing appropriations by $14.6 million for current projects that remain within their Council authorized project budgets.


Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that these recommendations are in compliance with the City’s Financial Policies in that onetime revenues (grants) are used for one-time expenditures.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Transportation Committee waived consideration of the above matter.)

COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (LADOT) and RESOLUTION relative to authority to accept funds and execute any necessary agrements for the Senate Bill (SB) 1 State Transit Assistance (STA) transit funding.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

  1. AUTHORIZE the Genreal Manager, LADOT, or Chief of Transit Programs to apply and accept up to $1,667,942 in Fiscal Year 2022-23 STA SB1 program funds and execute any necessary agreements and contractual documents with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority on behalf of the California Department of Transportation, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.
  2. APPROVE the accompanying required SB1 STA funding RESOLUTION, attached to the Council file.


Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADOT reports that there is no impact to the City’s General Fund.  SB1 STA funds will be deposited in the Proposition A Fund 385, Revenue Source Code 3361, State Grants – Other.


Community Impact Statement: None submitted.


(Transportation Committee waived consideration of the above matter.)


Items Called Special

Motions for Posting and Referral

Council Members' Requests for Excuse from Attendance at Council Meetings

Closed Session

The City Council may recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), to confer or discuss with, or receive advice from, its legal counsel regarding pending litigation relative to the case entitled Councilmember Mark Ridley-Thomas v. City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 22STCV24328.

(Budget and Finance Committee waived consideration of the above matter)


Adjourning Motions

Council Adjournment

EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES - If you challenge a City action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at or prior to, the public hearing. Any written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk before the City Council's final action on a matter will become a part of the administrative record.

CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 1094.5 - If a Council action is subject to judicial challenge pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5, be advised that the time to file a lawsuit challenging a final action by the City Council is limited by Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 which provides that the lawsuit must be filed no later than the 90th day following the date on which the Council's action becomes final.

Materials relative to items on this agenda can be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk's Council File Management System, at by entering the Council File number listed immediately following the item number (e.g., 00-0000).