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    Wednesday, September 15, 2021

10:00 AM




Submit written comment at
President GILBERT A. CEDILLO, First District
NURY MARTINEZ, Sixth District PAUL KREKORIAN, Second District
  BOB BLUMENFIELD, Third District
  NITHYA RAMAN, Fourth District
President Pro Tempore PAUL KORETZ, Fifth District
JOE BUSCAINO, Fifteenth District MONICA RODRIGUEZ, Seventh District
Assistant President Pro Tempore CURREN D. PRICE, JR., Ninth District
  MIKE BONIN, Eleventh District
  JOHN S. LEE, Twelfth District
  MITCH O'FARRELL, Thirteenth District
  KEVIN DE LEÓN, Fourteenth District

In conformity with the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20 (March 17, 2020) and due to concerns over COVID-19, the City Council meeting will be conducted entirely telephonically.


Members of the public who wish to offer public comment to the Council should call 1 669 254 5252 and use Meeting ID No. 160 535 8466 and then press #. Press # again when prompted for participant ID. Once admitted into the meeting, press *9 to request to speak.

Requests for reasonable modification or accommodation from individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act can be made by contacting the City Clerk's Office at (213) 978-1133. For Telecommunication Relay Services for the hearing impaired, please see the information located on page 2 of this agenda.

Telecommunication Relay Services

Telephone communication is one of the most important forms of communication in society today. Due to advancements in technology, telephone devices have evolved with new services and capabilities. Individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing, and individuals with a speech disability are following these trends and are rapidly migrating to more advanced telecommunications methods, both for peer-to-peer and third-party telecommunications relay service (TRS) communications.

Telecommunications Relay Service is a telephone service that allows persons with hearing or speech disabilities to place and receive telephone calls. TRS is available in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories for local and/or long distance calls. TRS providers - generally telephone companies - are compensated for the costs of providing TRS from either a state or a federal fund. There is no cost to the TRS user.

What forms of TRS are available?There are several forms of TRS, depending on the particular needs of the user and the equipment available: TRS includes: Text to Voice TIY-Based TRS; Speech-to-Speech Relay Service; Shared Non-English Language Relay Service; Captioned Telephone Relay Service; Internet Protocol Relay Service; and Video Relay Service. Please visit this site for detail descriptions,

Don't hang up! Some people hang up on TRS calls because they think the CA is a telemarketer. If you hear, "Hello. This is the relay service .. . " when you pick up the phone, please don't hang up! You are about to talk, through a TRS provider, to a person who is deaf, hard-of-hearing, or has a speech disability.

For more information about FCC programs to promote access to telecommunications services for people with disabilities, visit the FCC's Disability Rights Office website.




AGENDAS - The City Council meets Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 A.M. The agendas for City Council meetings contain a brief general description of those items to be considered at the meetings. Council Agendas are available in the Office of the City Clerk, Council and Public Services Division, Room 395, City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, and on the City's website at; or

Ten (10) members of the Council constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Council may consider an item not listed on the agenda only if it is determined by a two-thirds (10) vote that the need for action arose after the posting of an Agenda. Some items on the agenda may be approved without any discussion, however, any item may be called "special" by a Councilmember. If an item is called "special" it will be "held" until the remainder of the items on the Council agenda have been acted on by the Council. An item may also be called "special" if a member of the public has requested to speak on the item and a public hearing was not previously held.

The City Clerk will announce the items to be considered by the Council, however items will be grouped. For example, all items for which required public hearings have not previously been held are listed in one section on the printed agenda. The Council President will ask if any Councilmember or member or the public wishes to speak on one or more of these items. If anyone wishes to speak on an item, it will be called "special". The remaining items in this section will be voted on by Council with one roll call vote.

PUBLIC INPUT AT CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS - An opportunity for the public to address the Council on agenda items for which public hearings have not been held will be provided at the time the item is considered or during the Multiple Agenda Item Comment period. Members of the public who wish to speak on items shall be allowed to speak for up to one minute per item up to a total of three minutes per meeting. The Council has determined that a cumulative total of 20 minutes is a reasonable minimum amount of time for the Multiple Agenda Item segment of each regular meeting.

The Council will also provide an opportunity for the public to speak on public interest items. Each speaker shall be limited to one minute of general public comment each regular meeting for a cumulative total of ten (10) minutes. The Council shall not discuss or take action relative to any general public comment.

If you wish to provide documents to the full Council for consideration on an item, please present the Sergeant-At-Arms with 35 copies. Otherwise, your materials will simply be added to the official record.

COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND TIME LIMITS - Councilmembers requesting to address the Council will be recognized by the Council President in the order requested. For any item, the Chairperson of the Committee, or the maker of the original motion, or the member calling a matter "special" shall have up to six (6) minutes to discuss the item. All other Councilmembers may speak up to three (3) minutes each on the matter. After all members desiring to speak on a question have had an opportunity to be heard once, the time for each Member desiring to speak again shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes.

A motion calling the "previous question" may be introduced by any member during a Council debate. If adopted, this motion will terminate debate on a matter and the Chair will instruct the Clerk to call the roll on the matter.

VOTING AND DISPOSITION OF ITEMS - Most items require a majority vote of the entire membership of the Council (8 members). Items which have not been discussed in a Council Committee and have been placed directly on the agenda will require 10 votes to consider. Once considered, these items will normally require eight (8) affirmative votes to be adopted. Ordinances require a unanimous vote (at least 12 members must be present) in order to be adopted on first consideration. If an ordinance does not receive the necessary unanimous vote, it is laid over one calendar week. The votes required for approval on second consideration vary and depend upon the type of ordinance, but a typical ordinance requires eight (8) affirmative votes upon second consideration.

NOTICE TO PAID REPRESENTATIVES - If you are compensated to monitor, attend, or speak at this meeting, City law may require you to register as a lobbyist and report your activity. See Los Angeles Municipal Code 48.01 et seq. More information is available at For assistance, please contact the Ethics Commission at (213) 978-1960 or [email protected].

COUNCIL DISCUSSION AND TIME LIMITS - Councilmembers requesting to address the Council will be recognized by the Council President in the order requested. For any item, the Chairperson of the Committee, or the maker of the original motion, or the member calling a matter "special" shall have up to six (6) minutes to discuss the item. All other Councilmembers may speak up to three (3) minutes each on the matter. After all members desiring to speak on a question have had an opportunity to be heard once, the time for each Member desiring to speak again shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes.

A motion calling the "previous question" may be introduced by any member during a Council debate. If adopted, this motion will terminate debate on a matter and the Chair will instruct the Clerk to call the roll on the matter.

VOTING AND DISPOSITION OF ITEMS - Most items require a majority vote of the entire membership of the Council (8 members). Items which have not been discussed in a Council Committee and have been placed directly on the agenda will require 10 votes to consider. Once considered, these items will normally require eight (8) affirmative votes to be adopted. Ordinances require a unanimous vote (at least 12 members must be present) in order to be adopted on first consideration. If an ordinance does not receive the necessary unanimous vote, it is laid over one calendar week. The votes required for approval on second consideration vary and depend upon the type of ordinance, but a typical ordinance requires eight (8) affirmative votes upon second consideration.

When debate on an item is completed, the Chair will instruct the Clerk to "call the roll". Every member present must vote for or against each item; abstentions are not permitted. The Clerk will announce the votes on each item. Any member of Council may move to "reconsider" any vote on any item on the agenda, except to adjourn, suspend the Rules, or where an intervening event has deprived the Council of jurisdiction, providing that said member originally voted on the prevailing side of the item. The motion to "reconsider" shall only be in order once during the meeting, and once during the next regular meeting. The member requesting reconsideration shall identify for all members present the agenda number, Council file number and subject matter previously voted upon. A motion to reconsider is not debatable and shall require an affirmative vote of eight (8) members of the Council.

When the Council has failed by sufficient votes to approve or reject an item, and has not lost jurisdiction over the matter, or has not caused it to be continued beyond the next regular meeting, the item is continued to the next regular meeting for the purpose of allowing the Council to again vote on the matter.

The City Council rules provide that all items adopted by the Council will not be presented to the Mayor, or other designated officer by the City Clerk until the adjournment of the regular Council meeting following the date of the Council action. A motion to send an item "forthwith" if adopted by ten (10) votes, suspends these rules and requires the City Clerk to forward the matter to the Mayor, or other officer, without delay.

When debate on an item is completed, the Chair will instruct the Clerk to "call the roll". Every member present must vote for or against each item; abstentions are not permitted. The Clerk will announce the votes on each item. Any member of Council may move to "reconsider" any vote on any item on the agenda, except to adjourn, suspend the Rules, or where an intervening event has deprived the Council of jurisdiction, providing that said member originally voted on the prevailing side of the item. The motion to "reconsider" shall only be in order once during the meeting, and once during the next regular meeting. The member requesting reconsideration shall identify for all members present the agenda number, Council file number and subject matter previously voted upon. A motion to reconsider is not debatable and shall require an affirmative vote of eight (8) members of the Council.

When the Council has failed by sufficient votes to approve or reject an item, and has not lost jurisdiction over the matter, or has not caused it to be continued beyond the next regular meeting, the item is continued to the next regular meeting for the purpose of allowing the Council to again vote on the matter.

The City Council rules provide that all items adopted by the Council will not be presented to the Mayor, or other designated officer by the City Clerk until the adjournment of the regular Council meeting following the date of the Council action. A motion to send an item "forthwith" if adopted by ten (10) votes, suspends these rules and requires the City Clerk to forward the matter to the Mayor, or other officer, without delay.

RULE 16 MOTIONS - Council Rule No. 16, in part, allows a member to send an item directly to the Council without it having to go to a Council Committee first, by giving the City Clerk a motion (seconded by an additional member) during a Council session to be placed on the next regular available Council agenda.


Los Angeles City Council Agenda
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Roll Call

Approval of the Minutes

Commendatory Resolutions, Introductions and Presentations

Multiple Agenda Item Comment

Public Testimony of Non-agenda Items Within Jurisdiction of Council

Items for which Public Hearings Have Been Held

CD 5
CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a request for an Ordinance to amend the Westwood Village Specific Plan (Ordinance No. 176177), and include additional land use regulatory controls.
Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Koretz – Harris-Dawson):​

INSTRUCT the Department of City Planning, with the assistance of the City Attorney, to prepare and present an Ordinance to amend the Westwood Village Specific Plan (Ordinance No. 176177), as requested on September 11, 2019 (Council file No. 18-1101), and include the following additional land use regulatory controls: 
  1. Change of Use and Review of Signage: Amend project review process for changes of use and signs to administrative clearances (sign-offs) so as to assure consistency with the intent of the Specific Plan in a more streamlined manner that ensures predictability and a clear process for applicants and the community at large.
  2. Parking Exceptions for Changes of Use: Amend parking requirements and consider measures that enable new businesses without triggering parking regulations that function as a barrier.
  3. New Construction: Default to citywide parking requirements, and explore a shared parking program, inasmuch as there is an existing Los Angeles Department of Transportation parking structure located in the Westwood Village.
  4. Food Uses: Revise definitions of food related establishments; the restrictions on the types and number of such establishments.
  5. Location Restrictions: Analyze and explore revising or removing restrictions on caps for establishments, such as food uses and financial services.
  6. Policy: Changes and amendments shall preserve the pedestrian scale of the Westwood Village, ensuring it continues to be oriented to the pedestrian and not the vehicle.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
  (Continued from Council meeting of August 18, 2021)
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE and AD HOC COMMITTEE ON COVID-19 RECOVERY AND NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTMENT REPORTS’ relative to authority to modify the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program grant from the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Administration through allocations and transfers. 

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: 
  1. AUTHORIZE the Mayor, or designee, to:
    1. Negotiate and execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) for the distribution of the FY 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program grant funds, for the period of January 20, 2020 through January 20, 2022, for an amount not to exceed $141,000.00, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.
    2. Prepare Controller instructions for any technical adjustments, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer (CAO); and, authorize the Controller to implement the instructions.
  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller to:
    1. Transfer funds between appropriation accounts upon request by the Mayor, pursuant to modifications of the grant, approved by the grantor.
      1. Transfer and establish new appropriation account within the FY20 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Fund No. 63W/46, to the General Fund for reimbursement as follows:
        TRANSFER FROM:      
        Fund/Dept.  Account No.  Account Name Amount
        63W/46 46T170 Police $1,699,816.00
        63W/46 46T904 LAWA Grant Allocation 634,970.00
        63W/46 46T938 LAFD Grant Allocation 500,000.00
        63W/46 46T135 Emergency Management  128,883.18
        63W/46 46T935 EMD Grant Allocation 141,270.82
        63W/46 46T146 Mayor  177,924.00
        63W/46 46T299 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs 72,076.00
            Total: $3,354,940.00
        TRANSFER TO:      
        Fund/Dept. Account No.  Account Name  Amount 
        63W/46 46T304 Contractual Services  $3,354,940.00
            Total:  $3,354,940.00

    2. Decrease $1,699,816.00 within Fund No. 100/70, Account 001092, Overtime Sworn.
    3. Decrease $128,833.18 within Fund No. 100/35, Account 001090, Overtime General.
    4. Decrease $177,924.00 within Fund No. 100/46, Account No. 001020, Grant Reimbursed.
    5. Transfer cash from Fund No. 63W/46, to the General Fund for reimbursement on an as-needed basis, upon presentation of proper documentation from City Departments, subject to the approval of the Mayor’s Office of Public Safety.

Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. AMEND the subject City Administrative Officer (CAO) report, dated June 25, 2021, by deleting Recommendations 2c and 2d, and ADOPT the CAO report as amended, as detailed in Recommendation 3.
  2. AUTHORIZE the Mayor, or designee, to:
    1. Negotiate and execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) for the distribution of the FY 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program grant funds, for the period of January 20, 2020, through January 20, 2022, for an amount not to exceed $141,000.00, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.
    2. Prepare Controller instructions for any technical adjustments, subject to the approval of the CAO; and, authorize the Controller to implement the instructions.
  3. AUTHORIZE the Controller to:
    1. Transfer funds between appropriation accounts upon request by the Mayor, pursuant to modifications of the grant, approved by the grantor.
    2. Transfer and establish a new appropriation account within the FY20 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Fund No. 63W, Department No. 46, to the General Fund for reimbursement as follows:
      TRANSFER FROM:      
      Fund/Dept.  Account No.  Account Name                 Amount
      63W/46 46T170 Police $1,699,816.00
      63W/46 46T904 LAWA Grant Allocation 634,970.00
      63W/46 46T938 LAFD Grant Allocation 500,000.00
      63W/46 46T135 Emergency Management  128,883.18
      63W/46 46T935 EMD Grant Allocation 141,270.82
      63W/46 46T146 Mayor  177,924.00
      63W/46 46T299 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs 72,076.00
          Total: $3,354,940.00
      TRANSFER TO:      
      Fund/Dept. Account No.  Account Name                 Amount 
      63W/46 46T304 Contractual Services       $3,354,940.00
          Total:       $3,354,940.00

    3. Decrease $177,924.00 within Fund No. 100/46, Account No. 001020, Grant Reimbursed.
    4. Transfer cash from Fund No. 63W/46, to the General Fund for reimbursement on an as-needed basis, upon presentation of proper documentation from City Departments, subject to the approval of the Mayor’s Office of Public Safety.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that approval of the recommendations within this report will have no additional impact to the General Fund and will provide for continued expenditure of the FY 2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program grant award for grant-related projects. No matching funds are required for this grant. Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the recommendations provided in this report are in compliance with the City’s Financial Policies in that all grant funds will be utilized for grant-eligible activities.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted 
AD HOC ON COVID-19 RECOVERY AND NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a status update on the COVID-19 impact on working women.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. INSTRUCT the Personnel Department to report to the Council on the survey findings relative to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the City’s workforce.
  2. AUTHORIZE the Personnel Department, to release a Request for Proposal to initiate a Women’s Management Academy as outlined in the subject Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) report, dated August 19, 2021, attached to the Council file.
  3. INSTRUCT the Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD) to create a website called that could serve as a guideline for private sector businesses looking to adopt family-friendly policies, including a business toolkit and other resources for businesses; the website should be promoted through the City’s BusinessSource Center and the City should encourage local businesses to adopt these policies, as amended.
  4. INSTRUCT the EWDD to create an Office of Workplace Equity and Diversity and to work with the City Administrative Officer (CAO) and the CLA to report back on positions and funding needed to launch the office, as amended. 
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CLA reports that there is no impact to the General Fund.   The CAO has not completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
HOUSING COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the reappointment of Mr. Raul Claros to the Affordable Housing Commission.
  Recommendation for Council action:

RESOLVE that the Mayor’s reappointment of Mr. Raul Claros to the Affordable Housing Commission for the term ending June 30, 2025, is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Mr. Claros resides in Council District One. (Current Composition: M=5: F=2) 

Financial Disclosure Statement: Pending 
Community Impact Statement: None submitted
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Innovation and Performance Commission (IPC) Fiscal Year 2020-21 Annual Report.
  Recommendation for Council action:

NOTE and FILE the IPC report dated August 17, 2021 relative the IPC Fiscal Year 2020-21 Annual Report.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Not applicable Community Impact Statement: None submitted
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to providing for the means for the Innovation and Performance Commission (IPC) to accept grants, bequests, gifts, and donations and to disburse those funds, services, and equipment.
  Recommendation for Council action:

REQUEST the City Attorney, in coordination with the IPC and the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to prepare and present a draft Ordinance within 60 days, to allow the IPC to accept donations and gifts-in-kind to underwrite Innovation Fund pilot programs, including allowing for donor recognition, and allowing partnership with a IPC-approved, Internal Revenue Service certified 501c(3) non-profit organization to accept and disperse donations to the Innovation Fund.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the IPC. Neither the CAO nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Innovation and Performance Commission‘s (IPC) Innovation Fund (IF) funding for the Engineering Recruitment Pilot: Creating an Equal Access and Inclusive Employment Path Project from the Board of Public Works (BPW).
  Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. ESTABLISH and APPROPRIATE a new appropriation account entitled BPW - Engineering Recruitment Pilot: Creating an Equal Access and Inclusive Employment Path in the amount of $150,000 within the IF Fund No. 105/10 from the available cash balance of the IF.
  2. TRANSFER $150,000 from the IF Fund No. 105/10, Account to be Established, BPW - Engineering Recruitment Pilot: Creating an Equal Access and Inclusive Employment Path Fund No. 100/78 as follows:
    Fund Account Title     Amount
    100/74 001070 As-Needed Salaries $19,660
    100/74 002130 Travel 28,660
    100/74 003040 Contractual Services 95,100
    100/74 006010 Office and Administrative 6,580
        Total: $150,000
  3. INSTRUCT the BPW to:
    1. Separately track all encumbrances and expenditures of IF monies so that unspent funds can be returned to the IF at the end of the fiscal year.
    2. Report to the IPC with an accounting of the funds, the lessons learned, and any obstacles faced.
    3. Report to the IPC if, after the receipt of funds, the scope of the funded item differs from the scope approved for funding by the Mayor and the Council.
  4. AUTHORIZE the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to make technical corrections as necessary to implement Mayor and Council intentions.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that approval of these recommendations will allocate $150,000 of the remaining $1,416,112 IF 2021-22 available balance. The $150,000 will be transferred to the BPW to begin implementation of the pilot project that has been approved by the IPC. In some cases, departments will incur ongoing costs. Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the above recommendations are in compliance with the City’s Financial Policies as IF monies are being utilized for an eligible project which will improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of City service through innovation, productivity, and performance measurement. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 3 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to temporarily closing Vanalden Avenue south of Gleneagles Drive.
  Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Blumenfield - Rodriguez):

INSTRUCT the City Engineer to report with recommendations to temporarily close Vanalden Avenue south of Gleneagles Drive pursuant to State Vehicle Code Section 21101.4.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 12
CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the inclusion of the March Avenue Palm Trees, located on North March Avenue between West Ingomar Street and West Justice Street, in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments.
  Recommendations for Council action:​
  1. DETERMINE that the proposed designation is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Article 19, Section 15308, Class 8 and Article 19, Section 15331, Class 31 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
  2. DETERMINE that the subject property conforms with the definition of a Monument pursuant to Section 22.171.7 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code.
  3. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Cultural Heritage Commission (CHC) as the Findings of Council.
  4. APPROVE the recommendations of the CHC relative to the inclusion of the March Avenue Palm Trees, located on North March Avenue between West Ingomar Street and West Justice Street, in the list of Historic-Cultural Monuments.​

Owners: City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works Bureau of Street Services (StreetsLA), Urban Forestry Division

Applicant: City of Los Angeles

Case No. CHC-2021-2244-HCM

Environmental No. ENV-2021-2245-CE
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the CHC. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION, PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT, and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to a revised draft Ordinance amending Sections of Article 9, Chapter IX of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) to create Cool Roof and Cool Surface requirements.
  Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:​
  1. FIND, based on the whole of the administrative record, that the revised draft Ordinance is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Section 15308 (categorical exemption for regulatory actions for protection of the environment), and that none of the exceptions under Section 15300.2 apply.
  2. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE, dated July 12, 2021, amending Sections 99.04.106, 99.05.106, 99.11.101, 99.11.102, and 99.12.101 of Article 9, Chapter IX of the LAMC to make local environmental and administrative changes to create Cool Roof and Cool Surface requirements.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to an Ordinance to define Ghost Kitchens and Co-living residential facilities as enumerated land uses in the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC).
Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (​Koretz – Harris-Dawson):

INSTRUCT the Department of City Planning, in consultation with the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety and City Attorney, to prepare and present an Ordinance that defines Ghost Kitchens and Co-living residential facilities as an enumerated use with corresponding zones of the City where they can locate, inasmuch as these are land uses currently undefined in the LAMC, and part of emerging business models in response to consumer demand.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: Yes

Westside Neighborhood Council
PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the reappointment of Ms. Mona Sutton to the Harbor Area Planning Commission (HAPC).
Recommendation for Council action:​

RESOLVE that the Mayor’s reappointment of Ms. Mona Sutton to the HAPC for the term ending June 30, 2026 is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Ms. Sutton resides in Council District 15. (Current Composition: M = 2; F = 3).

Financial Disclosure Statement: Filed.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the reappointment of Ms. Stevie Stern to the South Los Angeles Area Planning Commission (SLAAPC).
  Recommendation for Council action:​

RESOLVE that the Mayor’s reappointment of Ms. Stevie Stern to the SLAAPC for the term ending June 30, 2026 is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Ms. Stern resides in Council District 10. (Current Composition: M = 1; F = 4).

Financial Disclosure Statement: Filed.
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 10
CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) appeals filed for the property located at 1447 South Hi Point Street.
  Recommendations for Council action:​
  1. FIND, based on the whole of the administrative record, that the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Section 15332, Class 32, and there is no substantial evidence demonstrating that an exception to a categorical exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2 applies.
  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission (LACPC) as the Findings of Council.
  3. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEALS filed by Elaine Johnson, LA GLO Inc. (Representative: Jamie T. Hall, Channel Law Group, LLP), and Brandon Araujo and Annette Wong, and THEREBY SUSTAIN the determination of the LACPC in approving a Categorical Exemption as the environmental clearance for a proposed qualifying Tier 3 Transit Oriented Communities Affordable Housing project involving the demolition of an existing single-family residential structure, and the construction, use, and maintenance of a new, five-story, multi-family residential building, over one level of subterranean parking, containing 20 dwelling units, of which two units will be set aside for Extremely Low Income Household occupancy for a period of 55 years; the proposed building will encompass approximately 20,093 square feet in total building area; the project proposes to provide 24 automobile parking spaces and 22 bicycle parking spaces; for the property located at 1447 South Hi Point Street.

Applicant: Hi Point M, LLC

Representative: Matthew Hayden, Hayden Planning

Case No. DIR-2020-2067-TOC

Environmental No. ENV-2020-2068-CE-1A
Fiscal Impact Statement: The LACPC reports that there is no General Fund impact as administrative costs are recovered through fees. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
CD 10
CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION and PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) appeal filed for the properties located at 927-933 South Ardmore Avenue.
Recommendations for Council action:​
  1. FIND, based on the whole of the administrative record as supported by the justification prepared and found in the environmental case file, that the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Section 15332 (Class 32 Urban In-Fill Development), and there is no substantial evidence demonstrating that any exceptions contained in Section 15300.2 of the State CEQA Guidelines regarding location, cumulative impacts, significant effects or unusual circumstances, scenic highways, or hazardous waste sites, or historical resources applies.
  2. ADOPT the FINDINGS of the Department of City Planning (DCP) as the Findings of Council.
  3. RESOLVE TO DENY THE APPEAL filed by Margarita Lopez, Coalition for an Equitable Westlake/MacArthur Park (Representative: Claudia Medina, Law Office of Claudia Medina), and Brandon Araujo and Annette Wong, and THEREBY SUSTAIN the Director of Planning’s determination   in approving a Categorical Exemption, No. ENV-2020-351-CE, as the environmental clearance for a proposed qualifying Tier 3 Transit Oriented Communities Affordable Housing project involving the the construction, use, and maintenance of a seven-story residential structure, over one level of subterranean parking garage, containing 54 dwelling units, including six units reserved for Extremely Low Income Household occupancy for a period of 55 years, and 48 market-rate units, two of which are reserved for market rate Rent Stabilization Ordinance units; the building will be a maximum of 78 feet and 6 inches, as measured from grade to the top of parapet, and will contain approximately 42,507 square feet of floor area with a Floor Area Ratio of 4.5:1; the unit mix will be comprised of 19 studio units, 26 one-bedroom units, and nine two-bedroom units; the project will provide 50 vehicular parking spaces located at grade and within one level of subterranean parking garage, 54 long-term and 5 short-term bicycle parking spaces; and, a total of 4,619 square feet of open space, including 2,731.90 square feet roof decks, 935.10 square feet of common indoor community area and gym, and 950 square feet of private balconies; the project also proposes the removal of one street tree to be replaced with one non-protected tree located along Ardmore Avenue, and the grading of 7,500 cubic yards of earth and exporting approximately 7,000 cubic yards of earth; for the properties located at 927-933 South Ardmore Avenue.

Applicant: Alex Kim, Sevvo Holdings Inc.

Representative: Bill Robinson

Case No. DIR-2020-350-TOC-HCA

Environmental No. ENV-2020-351-CE-1A
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the DCP. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE report relative to implementation, benchmarks, and hiring goals for the Targeted Local Hiring (TLH) Program.
  Recommendation for Council action:

NOTE and FILE the May 2, 2021 Personnel Department report relative to implementation, benchmarks, and hiring goals for the TLH and Strategic Workforce Development Task Force.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Not applicable. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to the establishment of salary for the non-represented class of Maintenance Laborer Assistant (Class Code 3102).
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE dated JUne 11, 2021 to amend Schedule A of Section 4.61 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC) to include and provide a salary for the new, non-represented classification of Maintenance Laborer Assistant (Class Code 3102).
  2. AUTHORIZE the City Administrative Officer (CAO), upon accretion of said class to a bargaining unit, to amend the appropriate Memorandum of Understanding to reflect the salary approved by Ordinance.

  3. AUTHORIZE the CAO and Controller to correct any clerical errors or technical errors in the Ordinance.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no additional impact to the General Fund as Departments will employ this classification in lieu of the authorized targeted civil service position. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to the 2021-22 Personnel Authority Resolution.
Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION granting personnel authority in accordance with Attachments A, B, and C of the August 16, 2021 City Administrative Officer (CAO) report, attached to the Council file, consisting of the following:
  1. Attachment A providing authority effective July 1, 2020, unless otherwise noted therein, for positions included in the 2021-22 Budget requiring temporary on-budget resolution authority.
  2. Attachment B providing temporary authority for the positions included in the 2021-22 Budget and the 2021-22 Proposed Detail of Positions and Salaries, pending the effective date of the 2021-22 Departmental Personnel Ordinances.
  3. Attachment C providing authority effective July 1, 2021, for positions that were approved by resolution during the 2020-21 fiscal year, which are funded off-budget and continue to be needed during 2021-22. In instances where departments are requesting continuation of resolution authority beyond current authorized periods of time, the CAO concurs with such requests contained herein.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the CAO.  Neither the CAO nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has not completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
PERSONNEL, AUDITS, AND ANIMAL WELFARE COMMITTEE REPORT CAO relative to proposed First Amended and Restated Agreement with PSI Services LLC (PSI Services; Contract No. C-133329) to provide remote test proctoring services for the administration of Civil Service examinations.
Recommendation for Council action:

AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Personnel Department to execute, the First Amended and Restated Professional Services Agreement C-133329 with PSI Services to:
  1. Extend the term for a revised term effective December 1, 2018 through November 30, 2023.
  2. Maintain the expenditure authority at not to exceed $500,000, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that funding is included in the 2021-22 Adopted Budget within the Personnel Department’s Contractual Services Account within the line item titled “Anytime/Anywhere Testing program,” which is budgeted $300,000. There is no additional impact to the General Fund. Financial Policies Statement: Yes Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPEMENT AND JOBS COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the current permitting and regulatory environment for Advanced Aerial Mobility (AAM).
Recommendations for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Koretz – Bonin):
  1. INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), the Department of City Planning (DCP), and other relevant Departments, to report on the current permitting and regulatory environment for AAM, including commercial drone operations, and recommendations for a local regulatory framework and permitting in the City, as well as an appropriate fee structure.
  2. INSTRUCT the LADOT and DCP to:
    1. Report on staff resources and funding for technical studies needed to create this permitting/regulatory framework.
    2. Consult with industry experts and stakeholders during the development of the draft rules and regulations to ensure for a collaborative process and a regulatory structure that reflects best practices.
Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Adminisitrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) Open Streets Grant Program- Cycle Four.
  Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

AUTHORIZE the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to:
  1. Submit Metro Open Streets Cycle Four grant applications for up to 15 Open Streets programs as detailed in Attachment A of the August 11, 2021 LADOT report, attached to the Council File, and led by the LADOT, for a total of up to $4,600,000 in requested grant funds; and up to four applications for which the City of Los Angeles is a partner city to another lead jurisdiction.
  2. Execute any necessary funding and contractual documents, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, to receive any Metro Open Streets Grant Program Cycle Four awards, and to commit to provide the minimum required local match of up to $1,150,000 through in-kind match for projects for which the City of Los Angeles is the Lead Agency, and up to $112,500 for which the City of Los Angeles is a partner agency, in Fiscal Years (FY) 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24.
  3. Enter into a letter of agreement with each partner agency delivering Open Streets events that travel through the City of Los Angeles jurisdiction, in order to facilitate grant funding dispersal and ensure event coordination.
  4. Make any technical adjustments as necessary and consistent with this action, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer; and, authorize the Controller to implement these instructions.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADOT reports that Open Streets events are largely funded through grants. The Adopted Budget provides front funding and City local match costs through the City’s Measure M Local Return Fund.  The Adopted Budget for FY 2021-22 includes $500,000 in Measure M Local Return funds and $500,000 in MSAPR Trust Fund for the Open Streets Program.  The City also funds Open Streets events and local match costs for Metro-funded Open Streets programs through the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Trust Fund, Proposition C Local Transit Assistance Fund, and the Transportation Development Act Article 3's Local Transportation Fund. There is no impact to the General Fund. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to allocation of Federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) transportation funds.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. APPROVE the recommended appropriation of CRRSAA funds to the projects as detailed in Attachment 1 of the August 11, 2021 City Administrative Officer (CAO) report, attached to the Council File.
  2. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT), the Director of the Bureau of Street Services and the Director of the Bureau of Engineering, and/or their designees, to execute and file any and all documents required to secure the CRRSAA funds, provide required reports associated with the CRRSAA funds and fulfill the intent of the Council and Mayor.
  3. AUTHORIZE the LADOT, with the concurrence of the CAO, to make technical corrections to fulfill the intent of the Council and Mayor.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no General Fund impact.  Approval of this report will result in the City receiving an additional $12,752,630 in Federal Coronavirus Relief funding.  Front-funding needs will need to be identified in future City budgets.  These grants do not require a funding match and are 100 percent reimbursable. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to Measure M Central City Multi-Year Subregional Program (MSP) funds and proposed priorities for the Measure M Central City Subregional Equity Program.
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. APPROVE the list of projects recommended for the Measure M Central City MSP grant funds available through Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25.
  2. AUTHORIZE the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) or appropriate City Department to accept and receive Measure M grant funds in the amount of $17,468,538 available to the City of Los Angeles through FY 2024-25 as part of the Measure M Central City Multi-year Subregional Programs allocation process facilitated by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, including execution of necessary funding agreements.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADOT reports that no impact to the General Fund is anticipated with this action. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Vision Zero Roadside Memorial Sign Pilot Program.
Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE a permanent memorial sign as described in the August 11, 2021 Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) report, attached to the Council File; and, INSTALL 20 requested memorial signs each year.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The LADOT reports that the Roadside Memorial Sign Pilot Program is funded through appropriations approved for the Vision Zero program. A permanent program will also be funded through funding provided for Vision Zero. There is no impact to the General Fund. Community Impact Statement: Yes

Wilshire Center Koreatown Neighborhood Council
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE relative to the appointment of Ms. Carol Parks as the Permanent General Manager of the Emergency Management Department. 
  Recommendation for Council action:

RESOLVE that the Mayor’s appointment of Ms. Carol Parks as the Permanent General Manager, Emergency Management Department, is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. 

Financial Disclosure Statement: Pending

Background Check Review: Pending
Community Impact Statement: None submitted
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the reappointment of Nahtahna Cabanes to the Police Permit Review Panel. 
  Recommendation for Council action: 

RESOLVE that the Mayor's reappointment of Nahtahna Cabanes to the Police Permit Review Panel for the term ending June 30, 2026 is APPROVED and CONFIRMED. Ms. Cabanes resides in Council District four. (Current composition: F=3;M=3)

Financial Disclosure Statement: Filed 

Background Check: Pending 
Community Impact Statement: None submitted 
COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR relative to the appointment of Ms. Irma Beserra Nunez to the El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument Authority.
  (Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee report to be submitted in Council. If public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)

(Click on the above hyperlink or go to for background documents.)
Community Impact Statement: None Submitted
CD 14
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR), MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM, ERRATA DATED FEBRUARY 2021, ADDENDUM TO THE PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED EIR, DATED AUGUST 2021, and RELATED CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDINGS; COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE LOS ANGELES CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND MAYOR, RESOLUTION relative to a General Plan Amendment to the Central City North Community Plan for a change to the land use designation from Heavy Industrial to Regional Center Commercial, and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to a Vesting Zone and Height District Change from M3-1-RIO to [T][Q]C2-2-RIO, and a Developer Incentive to permit a zero-foot side yard in lieu of the 16 feet for the residential floors along the eastern property line; for a project that includes up to 347 new live-work units, approximately 187,374 square feet of new office space, 21,858 square feet of new commercial uses, and a 926 square-foot community room on a 96,523 square-foot (2.2-acre) site of the 347 new live-work units; in compliance with Measure JJJ, five percent of the total proposed rental units (up to 18 units) would be set aside for Extremely Low-Income Households, and 11 percent of the total proposed rental units (up to 39 units) would be set aside for Very Low-Income Households; if the new residential units are provided for-sale, then instead, 11 percent of the total proposed for-sale units (up to 39 units) would be set aside for Very Low-Income Households; if both rental and for-sale units are provided, the project shall comply with the applicable rental and for-sale provisions; the uses would be located in a 30-story residential tower with a maximum height of 399 feet and a nine-story office building with a maximum height of 157 feet; in addition, five existing buildings, located on the northern portion of the project site that comprise approximately 56,686 square feet, would be retained with six live-work units, office, retail, restaurant, and warehouse uses; two additional existing buildings that comprise approximately 6,844 square feet, and contain four vacant live-work units, as well as two open sheds and surface parking areas located on the southern portion of the project site, would all be demolished; upon completion, the project’s total floor area would be 569,448 square feet, with a maximum Floor Area Ratio of 6:1; for the properties located at 2117-2147 East Violet Street and 2118-2142 East 7th Place, subject to Modified Findings and Modified Conditions of Approval. (The project was assessed in the previously Certified 2143 Violet Street Project EIR, No. ENV-2017-438-EIR, certified on May 14, 2021.)

Applicant: Mark Spector, ONNI Capital, LLC

Representative: Dale Goldsmith, Armbruster Goldsmith and Delvac, LLP


Environmental Nos. ENV-2017-438-EIR; SCH No. 2018051050

Related Case No. VTT-74890-CN-1A


(Planning and Land Use Management Committee report to be submitted in Council. If public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)

(Click on the above hyperlink or go to for background documents.)
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to retroactive approval to apply for and accept a grant award for the 2021-22 Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program – Law Enforcement from the California Highway Patrol for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. 
  Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. AUTHORIZE the Chief, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), or his designee to:
    1. Retroactively apply for and accept the 2021-22 Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program – Law Enforcement award in the amount of $965,116 from the State of California, California Highway Patrol for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
    2. Negotiate and execute the grant agreement with the California Highway Patrol for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney as to form.
    3. Execute a Professional Services Agreement with one selected vendor for a term of twelve months within the applicable grant performance period, for a sum not to exceed $28,800, for the provision of phlebotomist services as it relates to the grant program, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.
  2. AUTHORIZE the LAPD to:

    1. Submit grant reimbursement requests to the grantor and deposit grant receipts in the Police Department Grant Fund No. 339/70.
    2. Spend up to the grant amount of $965,116 in accordance with the grant award agreement.
    3. Prepare Controller instructions for any technical adjustments as necessary to implement Mayor and Council intentions, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer (CAO); and, authorize the Controller to implement the instructions. 
  3. AUTHORIZE the Controller to:
    1. Establish a grant receivable and appropriate $965,116 to appropriation account number to be determined, within Fund No. 339/70, for the receipt and disbursement of the 2021-22 Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program – Law Enforcement funds.
    2. Increase appropriations on an as-needed basis from the 2021-22 Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program – Law Enforcement grant, Fund No. 339/70, account number to be determined, to Fund No. 100/70, account number and amount as follows:

      ​​​​​​​Account No. 001092        Overtime Sworn        $802,816
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that approval of the recommendations within this report will allow for the expenditure of the 2021-22 Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program – Law Enforcement grant award totaling $965,116. The grant will provide overtime funding for sworn personnel, travel, equipment and consultant expenses. No matching funds are required for this grant. There is no impact to the General Fund as a result of these recommendations. Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the recommendations provided in this report are in compliance with the City’s Financial Policies in that one-time grant funding will be utilized for one-time grant-eligible program expenditures. Community Impact Statement: None submitted 
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to retroactive approval to apply for and accept a grant award for the 2021-22 Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program – Toxicology Laboratory from the California Highway Patrol for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023. 
  Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: 
  1. AUTHORIZE the Chief, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), or designee to:
    1. Retroactively apply for and accept the 2021-22 Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program – Toxicology Laboratory award in the amount of $362,680 from the State of California, California Highway Patrol for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023.
    2. Negotiate and execute the grant agreement with the California Highway Patrol for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023, subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney as to form.
  2. AUTHORIZE the LAPD to:
    1. Submit grant reimbursement requests to the grantor and deposit grant receipts in the Police Department Grant Fund No. 339/70.
    2. Spend up to the grant amount of $362,680 in accordance with the grant award agreement.
    3. Prepare Controller instructions for any technical adjustments as necessary to implement Mayor and Council intentions, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer (CAO); and, authorize the Controller to implement the instructions.
  3. AUTHORIZE the Controller to:
    1. Establish a grant receivable and appropriate $362,680 to appropriation account number to be determined, within Fund No. 339/70, for the receipt and disbursement of the 2021-22 Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program – Toxicology Laboratory funds.
    2. Increase appropriations on an as-needed basis from the 2021-22 Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program – Toxicology Laboratory grant, Fund No. 339/70, account number to be determined, to Fund No. 100/70, account number and amount as follows:

      ​​​​​​​Account No. 001090        Overtime General        $7,680
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that approval of the recommendations within this report will allow for the expenditure of the 2021-22 Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program – Toxicology Laboratory grant award totaling $362,680. The grant will provide equipment expenses and overtime funding for civilian personnel. No matching funds are required for this grant. There is no impact to the General Fund as a result of these recommendations. Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the recommendations provided in this report are in compliance with the City’s Financial Policies in that one-time grant funding will be utilized for one-time grant-eligible program expenditures. Community Impact Statement: None submitted 
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to the Revolving Training Fund Semi-Annual Report for the period of July 1 through December 31, 2020.
  Recommendation for Council action: 

APPROVE the Los Angeles Police Department’s Revolving Training Fund Semi-Annual Report for the period of July 1 through December 31, 2020, prepared by the Training Bureau. 
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Board of Police Commissioners. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted.
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to reward payment in connection with the arrest and conviction of a person responsible for the Fatal Hit and run of Bobby James Arnold on February 11, 2017 (DR No. 17-13-06548). 
  Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. APPROVE the payment of the hit and run reward, to be divided evenly between Claimants A and B.
  2. AUTHORIZE the Controller to transfer $50,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Unappropriated Balance; and APPROPRIATE therefrom to the Hit and Run Reward Program Fund No. 59G/14.
  3. INSTRUCT the City Clerk to transfer $50,000 from the Hit and Run Reward Program Fund No. 59G/14, Account No. XXXXXX to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Fund No. 100/70, Secret Service Account No. 004310.
  4. INSTRUCT the LAPD to make the appropriate reward payments.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the Board of Police Commissioners. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chieg Legislative Officer has completed a financial analysis of this report.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted 
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to authority to negotiate and execute an agreement with Black & White Garage, Inc. to serve as the Official Police Garage for Service Area 15. 
  Recommendation for Council action: 

AUTHORIZE the President, Board of Police Commissioners, or designee, to negotiate and execute an Official Police Garage Standard- and Medium-Duty Towing and Storage agreement for Service Area 15 with Black and White Garage, Inc. 
Financial Policies Statement: None submitted by the Board of Police Commissioners. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.  Community Impact Statement: None submitted 
PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT relative to a second status update and draft Request for Proposals (RFP) relative to an unarmed model of crises response.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. AUTHORIZE the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to revise the draft Unarmed Crisis Response Request for Proposals to meet Council direction and perform any necessary technical corrections, and release the final Unarmed Crisis Response RFP, subject to City Attorney review and approval.
  2. INCLUDE in the scope of work a requirement that the contractor provide staff to respond to emergency crises involving people experiencing homelessness.
  3. INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Fire Department, with the assistance of the CAO and Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) and any other relevant departments to conduct an analysis of the Therapeutic Van Pilot Program; and, INSTRUCT the Los Angles Police Department, with assistance of the CAO and CLA  and any other relevant departments/offices, to conduct an analysis of the CIRCLE Pilot program, the Call Direction to Ensure Suicide Safety pilot with Didi Hirsch, and any other unarmed emergency response programs in order to identify lessons learned from these pilots and best practices that can be integrated into the Unarmed Crisis Response program.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no impact to the General Fund associated with the approval of the recommendation in this report, as no funding is required at this time Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the information provided in this report is consistent with the City’s Financial Policies in that no new appropriations are being recommended outside of the City’s annual budgeting process. Community Impact Statement: Yes
For: Hermon Neighborhood Council 
CD 10 HOMELESSNESS AND POVERTY COMMITTEE REPORT and RESOLUTION relative to a request for authority to issue tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes for the McDaniel House, a 46-unit supportive housing project located at 1043 South Harvard Boulevard.
  Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. NOTE and FILE Note and file the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD), formerly Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department (HCIDLA), report dated July 22, 2021 relative to the issuance of tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes for the McDaniel House project located at 1043 South Harvard Boulevard.
  2. ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION attached to the subject City Administrative Officer (CAO) report, dated September 3, 2021, attached to the Council file, authorizing the issuance of up to $10,750,000 in tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes for the McDaniel House project located at 1043 South Harvard Boulevard.
  3. AUTHORIZE the General Manager, LAHD, or designee, to negotiate and execute the relevant bond or note documents for the McDaniel House project, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there will be no impact to the General Fund as a result of the issuance of these tax-exempt multifamily conduit revenue bonds or notes (bonds/notes) for the McDaniel House (Project). The City is a conduit issuer and does not incur liability for the repayment of the bonds/notes, which are a limited obligation payable solely from the revenues of the Project, and the City will in no way be obligated to make payments on the bonds/notes. Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the recommendations in the subject CAO report comply with the City Financial Policies. Debt Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no debt impact as these bonds or notes are a conduit issuance debt and not a debt of the City. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (KREKORIAN – KORETZ) authorizing the City Attorney to execute a contract with Remy Moose Manly LLP to represent the City in the litigation regarding the Federal Aviation Administration's environmental review of Burbank Airport's terminal replacement.

(Budget and Finance Committee report to be submitted in Council. If public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)

(Click on the above hyperlink or go to for background documents.)
  Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 15 COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER AND CITY ATTORNEY, ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION, and RESOLUTION relative to establishing a special tax fund in which to deposit the special taxes received from the annual tax levies and authorizing the issuance of Mello-Roos Special Tax Bonds, Series 2021, for Community Facilities District No. 11 (Ponte Vista).

(Budget and Finance Committee report to be submitted in Council. If public hearing is not held in Committee, an opportunity for public comment will be provided.)

(Click on the above hyperlink or go to for background documents.)
  Community Impact Statement: None submitted

Items for which Public Hearings Have Not Been Held - (10 Votes Required for Consideration)

CD 13 MOTION (O’FARRELL – PRICE) relative to Neighborhood Council coordinating a street banner program to be used as an outreach tool to encourage stakeholders to become involved in the Rampart Village Neighborhood Council (RVNC) programs and activities.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. APPROVE in accordance with Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 62.132, the Street Banner program being coordinated by the RVNC, as a City of Los Angeles Non-event Street Banner Program for the period of October 13, 2021-October 13, 2022.
  2. APPROVE the content of the attached street banner designs.
CD 15 MOTION (BUSCAINO – PRICE) relative to funding for the Street Damage Restoration fee for the Strength Based Community Change non-profit community organization.
  Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
  1. TRANSFER and APPROPRIATE $10,974 in the Pipeline Franchise Revenue portion of the Council District 15 Real Property Trust Fund No. 697 as follows: $2,670 to the Engineering Fund No. 41A/50, Revenue Source No. 4286, Dept Revenue Source No. 428601, and $8,304 to the Water and Power Fund No. 705-98, Revenue Source Code No. 5166, to pay for the costs associated with the installation of a landscape irrigation service connection, a meter, and the required Street Damage Restoration fee for the Strength Based Community Change non-profit community organization.
  2. AUTHORIZE the Bureau of Engineering to make any technical corrections or clarifications to the above instructions in order to effectuate the intent of this Motion.
MOTION (MARTINEZ – BUSCAINO) relative to technical adjustments to the Council Committee jurisdictions.
  Recommendation for Council action:

RESOLVE to make the following technical adjustments to the Council Committee jurisdictions:
  1. Public Works – Amend the jurisdiction description to delete the word ‘grants’ and replace with the phrase ‘the City’s grants policy’, as follows: “all matters related to  grants  the City’s grants policy, including...”
  2. Arts, Parks, Health, Education and Neighborhoods – Add to the Committee’s jurisdiction the Youth Development Department.
  3. Housing – Amend the jurisdiction description to delete the phrase ‘Housing and Community Investment Department’ and replace with the phrase ‘Housing Department, Community Investment for Families Department’ as follows: “Housing and Community Investment Department Housing Department, Community Investment for Families Department.
  4. Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice and River – Add to the Committee’s jurisdiction the Climate Emergency Mobilization Commission.
CD 15 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION, COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER and RESOLUTION TO VACATE relative to vacating 184th Street between Hoover Street and the Dominguez Channel, VAC-E1401210 (Vacation).
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. REAFFIRM the FINDINGS of June 10, 2015, that the Council has imposed all the mitigation measures that are within the control of the City, as described in the Notice of Exemption, attached to the Council file, that are associated with the impacts of the street vacation and that other mitigation measures that are not within the authority of the City, have been or should be imposed as set forth in the findings of the Los Angeles Unified School District, dated August 15, 2012.
  2. REAFFIRM the FINDINGS of June 10, 2015, that the Vacation is in substantial conformance with the General Plan pursuant to Section 556 of the Los Angeles City Charter.
  3. ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION TO VACATE No. 21-1401210 for the Vacation.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Engineer. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 13 COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to in the installation of the name of KURT “BIG BOY” ALEXANDER on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

    Recommendation for Council action:

    APPROVE the installation of the name of KURT “BIG BOY” ALEXANDER at 6212 Hollywood Boulevard.

    Recommendation for Council action:

    APPROVE the installation of the name of BIG BOY at 6212 Hollywood Boulevard.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that there is no General Fund impact. All costs are paid by the permittee. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 13 COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to the installation of the name of THE CHI-LITES on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  Recommendation for Council action:

APPROVE the installation of the name of THE CHI-LITES at 7057 Hollywood Boulevard.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that there is no General Fund impact. All costs are paid by the permittee. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 14 COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to initiating vacation proceedings for the portion of East 4th Street adjacent to Lots 34 and 35 of Mills Tract between Los Angeles Street and Wall Street (VAC-E1401402).
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. ADOPT the City Engineer report dated August 18, 2021, attached to the Council file, to initiate the vacation proceedings to vacate the portion of East 4th Street adjacent to Lots 34 and 35 of Mills Tract between Los Angeles Street and Wall Street, as shown on Exhibit A of said City Engineer report, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.
  2. DIRECT the Bureau of Engineering to investigate and report regarding the feasibility of this vacation request.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that a fee of $14,980 was paid by the petitioner for the investigation of this request pursuant to Section 7.42 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Any deficit fee to recover the cost pursuant to LAAC Section 7.44 will be required of the petitioner. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 14 CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION, COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER and RESOLUTION TO VACATE relative to vacating the Via Las Vegas Vacation District, VAC-E1401012 (Vacation).
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. REAFFIRM the FINDINGS of September 21, 2018, that the Vacation, pursuant to the City of Los Angeles Environmental Guidelines, is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, pursuant to Article III, Class 5(3) of the City of Los Angeles Environmental Guidelines.
  2. REAFFIRM the FINDINGS of September 21, 2018, that the Vacation is in substantial conformance with the General Plan pursuant to Section 556 of the Los Angeles City Charter.
  3. ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION TO VACATE No. 21-1401012 for the Vacation.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Engineer. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 9 COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to initiating vacation proceedings for Chick Hearn Court between South Figueroa Street and Georgia Street (VAC-E1401399).
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. ADOPT the City Engineer report dated July 28, 2021, attached to the Council file, to initiate the vacation proceedings to vacate the Chick Hearn Court between South Figueroa Street and Georgia Street, as shown on Exhibit A of said City Engineer report, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.
  2. DIRECT the Bureau of Engineering to investigate and report regarding the feasibility of this vacation request.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that a fee of $47,080 was paid by the petitioner for the investigation of this request pursuant to Section 7.42 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Any deficit fee to recover the cost pursuant to LAAC Section 7.44 will be required of the petitioner. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 13 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER and RESOLUTION TO VACATE relative to vacating the Council Street and Madison Avenue Vacation Districts, VAC-E1401143 (Vacation).
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. REAFFIRM the FINDINGS of July 25, 2017, that the Council has imposed all the mitigation measures that are within the control of the City, as described in the Final Environmental Impact Report (State Clearing House No. 2008051093), attached to the Council file, that are associated with the impacts of the street vacation and that other mitigation measures that are not within the authority of the City, have been or should be imposed as set forth in the findings of the Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles, dated December 9, 2008.
  2. REAFFIRM the FINDINGS of July 25, 2017, that the Vacation is in substantial conformance with the General Plan pursuant to Section 556 of the Los Angeles City Charter.
  3. ADOPT the accompanying RESOLUTION TO VACATE No. 21-1401143 for the Vacation.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Engineer. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 13 COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ENGINEER relative to initiating vacation proceedings for a portion of Park Drive adjacent to Lot 7 of Elysian View Tract between Ewing Street and Baxter Street (VAC-E1401400).
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. ADOPT the City Engineer report dated July 15, 2021, attached to the Council file, to initiate the vacation proceedings to vacate a portion of Park Drive adjacent to Lot 7 of Elysian View Tract between Ewing Street and Baxter Street, as shown on Exhibit A of said City Engineer report, pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code, Division 9, Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law.
  2. DIRECT the Bureau of Engineering to investigate and report regarding the feasibility of this vacation request.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Engineer reports that a fee of $14,980 was paid by the petitioner for the investigation of this request pursuant to Section 7.42 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC). Any deficit fee to recover the cost pursuant to LAAC Section 7.44 will be required of the petitioner. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
CD 14 COMMUNICATION FROM THE BOARD OF RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSIONERS (Board), relative to approving a Grant of Right to the Bureau of Engineering (BOE) for the use of a portion of Los Angeles Plaza Park property for public right-of-way purposes.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. APPROVE a Grant of Right, by Ordinance, to the Department of Public Works (DPW), BOE, for the use of the subject portion of park property for public right-of-way purposes (including constructing, operating, and maintaining a public street).
  2. INSTRUCT the BOE, with the assistance of the City Attorney's Office to draft, process, and execute all documentation necessary to grant and record the Grant of Right to DPW; and as further detailed in the August 19, 2021, Board report, attached to the Council file.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board reports that the approval of the proposed Grant of Right will have no fiscal impact on the Department of Recreation and Parks General Fund as DPW, and Metropolitan Transport Agency will bear all costs associated with the action. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
  (Arts, Parks, Health, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
CD 15 ADMINISTRATIVE EXEMPTION and COMMUNICATION FROM THE BOARD OF HARBOR COMMISSIONERS (BOARD) relative to the Purchase Order Change No. 1 to a contract with Insight Public Sector, Inc.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. ADOPT the determination by the Board that the proposed action is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article II, Section 2(f) of the City CEQA Guidelines.
  2. APPROVE Los Angeles Harbor Department Resolution No. 20-9736 authorizing proposed Purchase Order Change No. 1 to Contract No. 39844 with Insight Public Sector, Inc.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board reports that there is no impact to the General Fund. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
  (Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
CD 15 ADMINISTRATIVE EXEMPTION and COMMUNICATION FROM THE BOARD OF HARBOR COMMISSIONERS (BOARD) relative to the First Amendment to a Foreign- Trade Zone (FTZ) Operating Agreement with Access World (USA) LLC.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. ADOPT the determination by the Board that the proposed action is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article II, Section 2(f) of the City CEQA Guidelines.
  2. APPROVE Los Angeles Harbor Department Resolution No. 21-9854 authorizing proposed First Amendment FTZ Operating Agreement No. 21-3416-A between the Los Angeles Harbor Department and Access World (USA) LLC.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board reports that there is no impact to the General Fund. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
  (Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. ADOPT the determination by the Board that the proposed action is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article II, Section 2(f) of the City CEQA Guidelines.
  2. APPROVE Los Angeles Harbor Department Resolution No. 21-9855 authorizing proposed FTZ Operating Agreement No. 21-9817 between the Los Angeles Harbor Department and Geodis USA, LLC.
Fiscal Impact Statement: he Board reports that there is no impact to the General Fund. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
  (Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
CD 15 ADMINISTRATIVE EXEMPTION and COMMUNICATION FROM THE BOARD OF HARBOR COMMISSIONERS (BOARD) relative to the Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) Agreement with Floor and Decor Outlets of America, Inc.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. ADOPT the determination by the Board that the proposed action is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article II, Section 2(f) of the City CEQA Guidelines.
  2. APPROVE Los Angeles Harbor Department Resolution No. 21-9847 authorizing proposed FTZ Agreement No. 21-9814 between the Los Angeles Harbor Department and Floor and Decor Outlets of America, Inc.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board reports that there is no impact to the General Fund. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
  (Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
CD 15 ADMINISTRATIVE EXEMPTION and COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE BOARD OF HARBOR COMMISSIONERS (BOARD) relative to the First and Second Amendments to Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) Operating Agreements with Prospect Enterprise dba Kansas Marine Co.
  Recommendations for Council action:
  1. ADOPT the determination by the Board that the proposed action is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Article II, Section 2(f) of the City CEQA Guidelines.
  2. APPROVE Los Angeles Harbor Department Resolution No. 20-9739 authorizing First Amendment FTZ Operating Agreement No. 20-3353-A between the Los Angeles Harbor Department and Prospect Enterprise dba Kansas Marine Co.
  3. APPROVE Los Angeles Harbor Department Resolution No. 21-9795 authorizing Second Amendment FTZ Operating Agreement No. 21-3353-B between the Los Angeles Harbor Department and Kansas Marine Co.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The Board reports that there is no impact to the General Fund. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
  (Trade, Travel, and Tourism Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (CAO) relative to authorizing the proposed Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. C-123575 with Constellation NewEnergy, Incorporated, for the Hyperion Treatment Plant Digester Gas Utilization Project.
  Recommendation for Council action:

AUTHORIZE the President or two members, Board of Public Works, and the Director, Bureau of Sanitation, to execute the proposed Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 123575 with Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. in order to update contract elements for the development, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the Hyperion Treatment Plant Digester Gas Utilization Project, subject to approval by the City Attorney and compliance with the City’s contracting requirements.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The CAO reports that there is no General Fund impact. The proposed Amendment does not change the total cost of the project. Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that there the recommendations comply with the City’s financial policies as expenditures of special funds are limited to the mandates of the funding source. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
  (Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
COMMUNICATION FROM THE LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER (LADWP) relative to the issuance of Power System Revenue Bonds to fund a portion of the Power System Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2021-22 and 2022-23.
  Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

CONCUR with the Board of Water and Power Commissioners' action of August 24, 2021, Resolution No. 4994, which authorizes the LADWP to issue up to $2.552 billion of Power System Revenue Bonds, pursuant to Charter Section No. 609, to fund a portion of the Power System CIP for Fiscal Years 2021-22 and 2022-23.
Fiscal Impact Statement: The City Administrative Officer (CAO) reports that there is no General Fund impact. Approval of the proposed initial resolution authorizes the issuance of up to $2.552 billion in Power Revenue Bonds to finance a portion of the LADWP Power System CIP for FYs 2021-22 and 2022-23. At a future Board meeting, the LADWP intends to present a supplemental resolution with specific terms and conditions, including any potential rate actions for approval. The total fiscal impact is $5.2 billion over 30 years to repay the bonds and $10.9 million for debt issuance costs. Approval will impact the LADWP Power Revenue Fund. Financial Policies Statement: The CAO reports that the proposed request complies with the LADWP’s adopted Financial Policies. Community Impact Statement: None submitted
  (Energy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and River Committee waived consideration of the above matter)

Items Called Special

Motions for Posting and Referral

Council Members' Requests for Excuse from Attendance at Council Meetings

Closed Session

The City Council shall recess to Closed Session, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), to confer with its legal counsel relative to the case entitled Songhai Smith v. City of Los Angeles, et al., United States District Court (USDC) Case No. CV20-03118 RGK-Ex. [This matter arises from a detention by Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers on April 3, 2019 in the San Fernando Valley.]

(The Budget and Finance Committee will consider the above matter in Closed Session on September 13, 2021)

Adjourning Motions

Council Adjournment

EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES - If you challenge a City action in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at or prior to, the public hearing. Any written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk before the City Council's final action on a matter will become a part of the administrative record.

CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 1094.5 - If a Council action is subject to judicial challenge pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5, be advised that the time to file a lawsuit challenging a final action by the City Council is limited by Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 which provides that the lawsuit must be filed no later than the 90th day following the date on which the Council's action becomes final.

Materials relative to items on this agenda can be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk's Council File Management System, at by entering the Council File number listed immediately following the item number (e.g., 00-0000).